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John Fee

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Posts posted by John Fee

  1. I wish to assign functions to a CH Eclipse yoke. As things stand, the yoke cannot be reliably calibrated using the built-in X-Plane routines. This yoke is not directly supported by X-Plane whereas the Saitek Pro yoke is.

    Does anyone on these boards have any experience which would be relevant to me?  It's been suggested that I use Lua to write scripts to control the various functions.

    I do not know if this is possible in Linux X-P.  If it is, I would have to learn some LUA language  but I do not know where to begin. 

    I know, the simplest solution would be to buy a Saitek Pro yoke on ebay, but I like the Eclipse, and I don't like to be beaten.

    Thanks for any help. 

  2. I've tried to connect both Active Sky 2016 and PlanG with an amended Simconnect.xml.  Initially, I was trying to connect just PlanG with WideFS.No joy, despite following all the instructions as best I can. 

    One odd thing though. In the client 'shares' with the server I have Lockheed Martin and Lockheed Martin2 folders.  This renaming was done by W10, not by me, presumably because there are at least two Lockheed Martin folders in my set up which must be shared.

    In other words, Lockheed Martin2 contains the P3D3.exe although I guess WideFS is looking for ..../Lockheed Martin/P3D3.exe.

    Am I clutching at straws, or do I need a large gin and tonic? 



  3. Simconnect doesn't work either, and I've tried various ports. The simconnect.xml is attached if you would be so kind as to check it for me. SimConnect.xml

    16 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

    Only other thing to try would be to disable each P3D3 add-on 9DLL or EXE pre-loaded, eg via EXE.XML) one at a time. something is blocking it somehow.

    Not sure what you mean here.  I do not know how to use exe.xml to disable files - and do you mean .dll or something else?



  4. Thanks again, Pete. A further twist.

    I have FSX on the same server - different HDD. I've not used it for so long I forgot I had it.

    Using the same client, WideFS connects perfectly with FSX using the ServerName=IVY, Protocol=TCP lines in the Wideclient.ini. So I think the network is not an issue.

    Perhaps it is something to do with ports, but I tried changing these to 8006 and 9006 without success.

    Any more thoughts before I take a sledgehammer to the whole damned thing, and take up flower arranging?





  5. 3 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

    Where are you shoulting? Shouting is ALL CAPS. Emboldening is just emphasis, to attract attention, and also I use emboldening when quoting from documents to show it isn't part of the normal narrative. In my last case I use red to attract attention within the quotes.

    Have you yet done as I kept advising, in every reply, i.e. to add the Protocol line as well as either the ServerName or the ServerIPAddr? This is absolutely needed, as I said (and explained the reason, very early on!), if you have either of those! I don't understand why you continued ignoring this advice even when I emphasised it.

    I know what shouting looks like on boards! That is why I never do it.  That is why I used bold. Guess who was shouting?

    I am grateful for your continuing support but I'm afraid the news is not good.  Still no connection, despite my complying with everything.  The files are posted and include pics of my Workgroup name just to allay any doubts.  Ivy is the server.

    One thing I did notice was that when WideClient is exited, the server still carries the 'waiting for connection' text. Maybe irrelevant.




    Kind regards,



    Ivy Workgroup.jpg

  6. 6 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

    But why did you add ServerName in the first place?  Did it not connect just with the default installation?

    If you do add an excplict Server identity (it doesn't matter whether by Name or Address), you must also provide the protocol for the reason I explained.

    Sorry, but you haven't yet explained why you changed the INI file to begin with!


    It did not connect with the default installation. I did not change the 'ini file because it was working! 

    As for the rest of your reply, if you took the trouble to read what I wrote, you would understand that the workgroups are the same, the firewalls are off, and the network is correctly configured.

    I hate shouting, Pete, least of all to my customers. Forgive my boldness ;)

    I've been reading your excellent FSUIPC and WideFS .pdf's for many years and have usually found them very helpful. On this occasion, with this particular pP3Dv3.4 connection problem, I didn't.

    Thank you for your interest.






  7. 27 minutes ago, Pete Dowson said:

    No. That needs the protocol parameter too. It's exactly the same as giving the IP Address. 

    Didn't you try things first before messing with the INI file?



    I changed ServerName=Ivy to ServerIPAddr= because the .ini with the ServerName failed to connect!

    So I made one change; somewhat harsh to call it 'messing' but there you are.

    In fact, you recommend ServerName because it avoids problems if/when the IP address changes.

    However, I tried a fresh install of WideFS, with  NO ServerIPAddr and NO ServerName and NO Protocol. Still no connection.




  8. Thank-you, Volker.


    Nothing happens after 99% - it just stops.

    I cannot run FSC now, it tells me to update the database.

    I cannot open FSC so I cannot access About -> FSC Team etc


    During the update I got this error (and some other similar ones):


    File not found or no access.

    Search for folder/file:




    in the FSCDBM_FS*.LOG File


    'V' is the name of the mapped F: drive. 



  9. Version 9.6

    Build 15-January-2015

    Windows 7 x64

    FSXA in F:\Flight Simulator X

    FSC in F:\FSC

    All programs run as administrator


    FSC on client via network. Network open and all PCs recognised, all shared folders opening. 


    Until today FSC was working well in FSX. 

    I attempted a database update after using FSCFSXCFG.exe The scenery.cfg is in the main FSX folder.


    Update stalled at 99%.  Why, please?


    The red warning tells me not to mount and share the FlightSim folder but the manual tells me that I must do this in an FSX network (pages 15,16).

    You can see that I have chosen the paths correctly in the blue message.


    F: is shared and mounted but the red warning does not recognise this.







  10. I am attempting to run FSC for FSX on a client. It is a new install of v. 9.6. I have all the shares and mounted drives set up correctly, I think.

    The FSX scenery database loads on the client without problems. However, when I run the program the initial entry box is red. When I enter and select any ICAO I get a message that the ICAO is not found.

    I have FSX running before I run FSC. WideFS shows a connection.

    Please advise.


    W7 x64 OS on both server FSX machine and client.

  11. I wish to create a customised WP at 4 nm from the CVO VORDME on the 006 radial. My best guess has produced an entry in the Flight Plan Panel:  Course - 006/349; Distance 009 nm. 

    I cannot edit this line to change the distance to 004 nm.  Also, I cannot find a way to drag the Fix on the map to the correct position.


    Is it a matter of trial and error until I get this right?  Entering accurate DME/radial fixes is vital so there must be an easier way of doing it. I have read the manual - Chapters 5 and 6 - thoroughly and cannot find an answer to this.


    Help and advice would be much appreciated.  Thank you!






    Solved. Pages 51/52 of Manual. My mistake.  Thank you, Volker. 

  12. I created a flight using NDBs from EFHK to EFOU. It showed correctly on the map and I 'Saved As' EFHKEFOU in the correct FSC folder. I run W7 x64.


    When I attempted to load this flight later the same day, some of the waypoints had changed to waypoints many thousands of nautical miles distant.

    I checked again this morning and found the route was correct until I clicked on 'OK' in the Flight Plan Panel. Then some of the NDBs changed to VORs in faraway places and the route became a nonsense.


    What is the purpose of the 'OK' button on the Flight Plan Panel?  It should not change waypoints I think.


    What else am I doing wrong?  I'd be grateful for advice.



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