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Everything posted by mroschk

  1. Hello again, that works very well Thank you very much !! Can be closed. Matthias
  2. Thanks ...let me check ... i will come back...
  3. Hello, that would be nice. But i think there must be any method, or maybe a time in seconds in the method for the release of the Key. Otherwiese it keeps being pressed 🙂 If you create this Method, please dont forget the Modifier Keys like shift,alt, strg 😉 Matthias
  4. Hello, thhanks for the Answer, yes i use the client.dll for FSUIPC7. I am not sure if they is from @Paul Henty. Its called "FSUIPCClient.dll". Matthias
  5. Hello, does anyone know how i can perform a long press of a key in FSUIPC using C# ? Right now i perform a "normal" keypress using FSUIPCConnection.SendKeyToFS(Keys k, SendModifierKeys mod); But tihs simulates just a "Keypress" and not a longer press of a Key. Matthias
  6. Hello, thanks a lot, that helps ! Matthias
  7. Hello, i am using MSFS, but i did not know about MSFSVariableServices . Can you pls give me a little tip how to use it in a C# project ? Or is it in the FSUIPC description ? ( i am not home right now ) Matthias
  8. Hello, very short question, is it possible to create a LVar using C# ? I think to remember i saw this anywhere, but could not remember... Thanks Matthias
  9. Hello, ahh...that explains why i could not find it 🙂 Thanks Matthias
  10. Hello, thanks for the Answer, but i am looking for TRANSPONDER IDEN Button Offset. Not the Digits for the Transponder. Sometimes ATC ask you "...and SQUAWK IDENT" to identify and find you an the Radar Screen. Matthias
  11. Hello, i am searching for the Offset for Transponder or Squawk Ident ? Can you please help? Thanks
  12. Here is the link https://forum.prosim-ar.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=22984&hilit=Egyptair Again, AS did not control the weather. It is only used to display the radar image. And yes, maybe it is not 100% perfect, but better thn nothing. Matthias
  13. Hello "together" that sounds really good. I dont know if you know the Prosim Devs, but maybe you can give them the Tip with more Success then i had? Matthias
  14. For 1. I dont know exactly how it is done, i just read about this Workarround in the Prosim Forum from another user who find out how it works. You can find it by searching for Active Sky in the Prosim Forum. I really dont understand why Prosim is not willing to use MSFS's Weather Radar ??? I dont know...all is there, but they are not using it. For 2. Did not work here. Whatever control i set up in FSUIPC is overwritten by Prosim when i use Prosim in Simconnect Mode, which is the Mode to use by Prosim devs. Btw...latest Prosim Beta 3.23b2 has no Rudder functioning in Air at all here. Also the Lower Eicas did not show any deflection ( selecting SYS )
  15. about the Weather, i know that, MSFS provides ALL the Information for a Weather Radar, but Prosim is not able or dont want to implement this. Thats the reason why i ( or we ) need to do the workarround with Active Sky About 2 ... i do not understand what you want to say
  16. Hi Pete, you are only partially right. 1. If you use Prosim in Simconnect mode, you will get a relativ accurate Radar Display i Prosim ND. 2. Not correct. When you use Prosim in Simconnect Mode, then you have no chance to set up any Control ( Rudder/Tiller/Aileron/Elevator ) in FSUIPC, because Prosim overrides any input from FSUIPC. Matthias Ps.: But Pete, if you use Prosim too, did you ever tried a X-Wind T/O ?
  17. ok, Active sky is not controlling the weather, it only makes it possible to see the wx radar in prosim when prosim run in simconnect mode
  18. Hi, thanks a lot if you can do something there ! Yes, Active Sky v5 is not really compatible with MSFS, but i can ran it in the Background, it says still it is not connected, but when using Simconnect in Prosim it injects the Weather Radar in the ND. The Prosblem is, this Workaround did not work when i use FSUIPC Mode in Prosim, only when i use Simconnect Mode. But i want to use FSUIPC Mode because of the Rudder/Tiller issue in Prosim. So its a big Problem as you see, i can have a Weather Radar OR Rudder/Tiller working. But for my Homecockpit i have no other chance then using Prosim. But the developer of the Flightmodel which Prosim uses is not really up to date with the MSFS Changes. hmm...for me very annoying, but as i say...i have to use Prosim...no other SOftware available at the Moment. Matthias
  19. Yes ok. Thanks for your help anyway.... But a small other Question about FSUIPC, hope it is ok to ask here. I remember in the FSUIPC for P3D and Active Sky there was an entry in the FSUIPC.INI to set a Path for the radar.bin file. I made this entrie in the FSUIPC.INI for FSUIPC7, but no radar.bin is created. Is this no longer supported by FSUIPC7 and Active Sky v5 ? Matthias
  20. Hi Pete, yes, i have tried different ways to set up the Rudder and Tiller Axis. Also AXIS_STEERING_SET and AXIS_RUDDER_SET i have tried. But always when i assign any Rudder Axis, the Tiller( Nose Wheel ) is controlled by the same deflection as the Rudder. Isnt there any Option to separate these both Axis ? Matthias
  21. Hi Pete, i test the Offsets of PFC. When i change the Offset for the PFC Tiller, only the Nose Wheel is controlled in MSFS...thats fine. But then i connect my Rudder Pedals to the PFC Offset for the Rudder and when i chnage this, also the Nose Wheel is controlled in MSFS, thats not what should happen and not what i am looking for. I really did not know what is going wrong here? In MSFS the Rudder combination under Assistance is off for sure, see pic above ( sorry my Sim is in German, but the Setting is at the same Position then in the english version 🙂 ) Have you any ideas ? Thanks Matthias
  22. yes for sure, sioc can write FSUIPC Offsets
  23. Hello, ahh, ok i will read the User Guide and give it a Try...Thanks a lot! Matthias
  24. Hello again, i am trying to get my Tiller seperated from the Rudder Axis ( or visa versa 🙂 ), thats the Big Aim i have. For that i set up my Rudder Pedals and Tiller in FSUIPC. But when i use the Tiller on Ground or use the Rudder on Ground, i have for both the same deflection of the Nose Wheel. What could i do wrong ? In MSFS, the Autorudder is OFF, i check that already ( sorry ma MSFS is in German ) Can anyone help please ? Matthias
  25. My Plesure 🙂
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