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Everything posted by mroschk

  1. Hello, a short question: What is the correct/best Offset to create a Google Earth KML File? I want to display the correct alt based on the QNH Settings of the Altimeter. Thanks MR
  2. Oh sorry, i thought it was only a example, but it was the offset .. So thanks .. i will try it next time at home. MR
  3. Hi Pete, sorry for the late answer...and thanks for yours. I know about the tiller offset and need the visaversa for the 2 Lever Axis. SIOC is easy, makes no different if you know or not, the outcome of sioc is easy. I change my Lever Position which changes the Potentiometer and this movement changes the Offset. The question is what Offset i must use for the Lever left and right to make that the FSUIPC Axisassignment Tab can see these changes? Thanks MR
  4. Hello, via this SIOC Code i can set up the Tiller. The tiller is conncected to a OC servo Card via a potentiometer. Var 001, name tiller_pot, Link USB_ANALOGIC, Device 2, Input 1, posL 55, posC 128, posR 203 { &tiller_offset = &tiller_pot } Var 002, name tiller_offset, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $3BC4, Length 2 Ok, but is that same possible for the Throttle Levers ? I tried different Offsets for Var 002, the Tiller Offset Var 5064, name FS_THRPOS, Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset $0924, Length 2 // FS Right Lever Position 0932 Var 5065, name FS_THRPOS1, Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset $0932, Length 2 // FS Right Lever Position 0932 Var 5066, name FS_THRN1, Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset $0930, Length 2 // FS Right Engine N1% , but without success. Thanks MR
  5. Oh man ...i am on since 2 day's sorry. I thinkk to set 635 into 3114 and 1072 into 3110 is right Matthias
  6. Ok, thanks a lot again. So i have to set STRG = 17 into 3114 and then 1072 into 3110 right? Matthias
  7. Hello, hmm....i tried this, but it dosent work first time. But then i tried 1071 for the 3110 Offset and now it works. My calculator gives me first time for 123 + 256*2 = 758. I think he miss the () around 256*2. But now it works and i want to say Thanks you for the help again ! Matthias
  8. Last Question because i can not really nderstand what you want to explain in the advanced user guide. I did a test with the "Q" key to see how and if it works. For that i puut now first 81 in Offset 3114 and then 1070 in 3110. Ok, that works. But how can i sen the combinationof CTRL+F12? The document says 1070 Key Press and Release (param is Keycode + 256*Shift code, or JsBk) Hmm...and i fond this in the document: The <shifts> value is a combination (add them) of the following values, as needed: 1 Shift 2 Control 4 Tab 8 Norm Add them where ?? I am very sorry, but i can really not understand what you here mean. Please help for this a last time Matthias
  9. Hello, ahh, now i got it .. i am sorry for asking Matthias
  10. Hello, hmm, so ok i will try the other way via Offset 3110. When i understand it correct i have first to set up the Offset like private Offset<int> o_keys = new Offset<int>(0x3110); then i found the 1070 control in the user guide 1070 Key Press and Release (param is Keycode + 256*Shift code, or JsBk) so..if i want to send a "1" to the FSX which have the KeyCode 31. What have i to set for the Offset 3110?? Is there maybe a example? Matthias
  11. Have you an example for Offset 3200 in any language? Thx Matthias
  12. Hello, i got it working ... but now i have the next Problem .. sorry. How can i send a Key to FSX? Thats for Ground Service X. Her i Need to send a 1 or 2 ( the key ) to FSX. For that i did a search in the FSUIPC document and found Offset 3210. So, first question .. is this the right Offset for that? The second is how to set up the Variable in C# or even in C or C++? private Offset<BitArray> o_keys = new Offset<BitArray>(0x3210, 224); Like this? The Problem is that FSX dont have the Focus all the time. Matthias
  13. Hello, it is C# in a aspx Webseite .. i got it working :smile: Correct is private Offset<BitArray> o_doors = new Offset<BitArray>(0x3367, 1); Thx Matthias
  14. He Pete, i am on the way to get it working :smile: ... cool :smile: But i have a litle Problem. I have defined a Offset for the Doors like this: private Offset<byte[]> o_doors = new Offset<byte[]>(0x3367, 4); // Offset for doors Now i am able to READ the Door Offset via o_doors.Value[0].ToString() That works and gives me the correct values. But i tried to WRITE into this Offset and this will not work?? I tried it like this: o_doors.Value[0] = 0; or o_doors.Value[0] = 1; Before i Change and read the Values i Open the FSUIPC , Process and after that Close the FSUIPC Connection. Can you help here ? Thanks Matthias
  15. Hello, wow...thanks a very lot !! I'l wait until you are back... Thx Matthias
  16. Hello, i found a portable asp.net Server and get it running. http://zueuz.net/projects/portable-aspnet-web-server.aspx#.UvBB0SOUOng But i have absolute no plan how to build a small asp Website just to open a door as example. I have no exp. with asp. Can i kindly ask you to make a litle Website which has .. lets say a button called "Door" which opens and Closes the Pax Doors ( Shift+E ) via the doors Offset 3367. I know it's much, but i hope kindly of your help. Thanks Matthias
  17. Hello, thanks a lot , that Looks as this what i Need...thanks I found here a ASP.NET PORTABLE Server. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/21343/TinyWebServer-an-ideal-portable-webserver-for-ASP Trying to get it to run at the Moment .. If i get it working i think i have a Chance .. Thanks Matthias
  18. Hello, so that means if i can set up a IIS to uses ASP.NET it will work? Matthias
  19. Hello, i think the Aidex webser is not enough for that what we Need? http://www.aidex.de/software/webserver/ If that one is enough i will use that, otherwiese this one: http://httpd.apache.org/ Thx Matthias
  20. Hello, thanks for the Answer. Ok, i try to explain. The FSX Maschine runs a local Apache Webserver not over the Internet. The Webserver can always be reached via localhost or and must not be reched via the Internet, always only local. So..the FSX is always on the same Maschine as the Webserver. Hope ist all you Need ? Thanks a lot Matthias
  21. Hello, i Need a litle help from anyone here. The reason is i Need a Webpage which i can call to set a Offset for FSUIPC. The Offsets i Need to set is the one for the doors to open and Close. So maybe i can call the Website, located at my FSX PC running at Apache2, like http://localhost/FSUIPC.html?OpenExit1 or to Close http://localhost/FSUIPC.html?CloseExit1 .. and so on for all 4 Exits. So i want to ask if here is anyone can help me? Thansk a lot ! Matthias
  22. Hello, ok, thanks a lot...i will do so. Thx Matthias
  23. i mean that maybe any other Member can help me. Matthias
  24. Hello, ok, thanks a lot anyway. Maybe there is any other..?? Matthias
  25. Hello, thanks, i never used Java...i used a litle bit C# with SharpDevelop, but have not really much expierence. @Java i have less then in C#. So .. is it ok to ask for a litle bit Feature help? Thx Matthias
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