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Posts posted by mroschk

  1. Hello,
    i have 2 Issues in Fsuipc7 v7.3.8 and latest MSFS beta, at the Moment

    I have CH Pro Pedals USB connected and in FSUIPC set up as Rudder Pedals and TOE Brakes,
    All works.

    But when i start MSFS, FSUIPC starts also, and the no Axis are working.
    Then i have to click on the FSUIPC Symbow and then on Axis. 
    Then move some axis and click ok.

    Then all works fine.

    In MSFS i have checked "fast WASM ..." ... could that be the Issue ?

    The second Issue is when i open FSUIPC Window and click on "Reload all assignments", then the Axis of the Rudder as example, changes from 

    "send direct to FSUIPC calibration" to "Send to FS as normal axis"

    Can you pls have a look at this ?


  2. Hello,

    i have created inside Prepar3d v4.5 3 Windows. These are now to see under the Menu as View 0, View 1, View 2.

    Is there a Way to DIRECT select one of these windows ?
    I know i can iterate thru the windows ( slect next window ), but i want to DIRECTLY slect the windows.

    Each window has get a HotkeySelect=x number. But that is not working. When i klick in one of the Windows and the press the Hotkey, the View of the selected Window is changed, but that is not what i want. I want to SELECT the Window, like when i click with the Mouse at any of the windows and activate it.

    I hope you understand...


  3. Hello,

    after some configurations i changed to run Prepar3D v4.5 in Admin Mode.
    But now, when i want t o setup FSUIPC inside the P3D and click the Menu ENtrie, the P3D Window
    turns Black and thats it.
    There comes no FSUIPC Window, but also i can nothing else then close the Prepar3D.

    What can be wrong here ?
    How have i to install FSUIP ? Rund the FSUIPC setup in Admin Mode or not ?
    Maybe thats the reason?


  4. Hello,


    i dont know why it is not working:

    function DoorState()
    	local flag = 0
    	--if doorflag0 == 1 then flag = flag + 1 end
    	--if doorflag1 == 1 then flag = flag + 2 end
    	--if doorflag2 == 1 then flag = flag + 4 end
    	--if doorflag3 == 1 then flag = flag + 8 end
    	--if doorflag4 == 1 then flag = flag + 16 end
    	--if doorflag5 == 1 then flag = flag + 32 end
    	--if doorflag6 == 1 then flag = flag + 64 end
    	if doorflag0 == 1 then ipc.setbitsUB(0x5400, 1) end
    	if doorflag1 == 1 then ipc.setbitsUB(0x5400, 2) end
    	if doorflag2 == 1 then ipc.setbitsUB(0x5400, 3) end
    	if doorflag3 == 1 then ipc.setbitsUB(0x5400, 4) end
    	if doorflag4 == 1 then ipc.setbitsUB(0x5400, 5) end
    	if doorflag5 == 1 then ipc.setbitsUB(0x5400, 6) end
    	if doorflag6 == 1 then ipc.setbitsUB(0x5400, 7) end
    	--ipc.display("DoorState " ..flag, 3)
    	ipc.writeUB(0x5400, flag)

    The ipc.setbits is not working.

    The version with the "--" is working fine. I know it is doing the same, but it would be nice to know why the setbits is not working?


  5. Hello, 

    i have this little function in a LUA Script to check/set the DoorSTate.

    function DoorState()
        ipc.display("Doors", 3)
    	ipc.setbitsUB(0x5302, 0)
        ipc.setbitsUB(0x5302, 1)

    as you can see, i have testet if this script-function is called, and it is.

    But the Offset is not set after the function is called.

    Have you any idea why ?



  6. Hello,


    i have still no solution found, why the "event.sim(ANY,  and also the "event.sim(AIRCRAFTCHANGE is not fired ?

    When i have a little lua file in the Modules folder whits only this little script:

    function test()
    event.sim(ANY, "test")

    why is the text not displayed when i load another aircraft ?( which means the function is not called at Aircraft change )



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