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Posts posted by mroschk

  1. Hello,

    hmm, so ok i will try the other way via Offset 3110.

    When i understand it correct i have first to set up the Offset like

    private Offset<int> o_keys = new Offset<int>(0x3110);

    then i found the 1070 control in the user guide

    1070 Key Press and Release (param is Keycode + 256*Shift code, or JsBk)

    so..if i want to send a "1" to the FSX which have the KeyCode 31.

    What have i to set for the Offset 3110??

    Is there maybe a example?


  2. Hello,

    i got it working ... but now i have the next Problem .. sorry.

    How can i send a Key to FSX?

    Thats for Ground Service X. Her i Need to send a 1 or 2 ( the key ) to FSX.

    For that i did a search in the FSUIPC document and found Offset 3210.

    So, first question .. is this the right Offset for that?

    The second is how to set up the Variable in C# or even in C or C++?

    private Offset<BitArray> o_keys = new Offset<BitArray>(0x3210, 224);

    Like this?

    The Problem is that FSX dont have the Focus all the time.


  3. He Pete,

    i am on the way to get it working :smile: ... cool :smile:

    But i have a litle Problem.

    I have defined a Offset for the Doors like this:

    private Offset<byte[]> o_doors = new Offset<byte[]>(0x3367, 4); // Offset for doors

    Now i am able to READ the Door Offset via


    That works and gives me the correct values.

    But i tried to WRITE into this Offset and this will not work??

    I tried it like this:

    o_doors.Value[0] = 0;


    o_doors.Value[0] = 1;

    Before i Change and read the Values i Open the FSUIPC , Process and after that Close the FSUIPC Connection.

    Can you help here ?



  4. Hello,

    i found a portable asp.net Server and get it running.


    But i have absolute no plan how to build a small asp Website

    just to open a door as example.

    I have no exp. with asp.

    Can i kindly ask you to make a litle Website which has .. lets say a button called "Door"

    which opens and Closes the Pax Doors ( Shift+E ) via the doors Offset 3367.

    I know it's much, but i hope kindly of your help.



  5. Hello,


    i Need a litle help from anyone here.


    The reason is i Need a Webpage which i can call to set a Offset for FSUIPC.

    The Offsets i Need to set is the one for the doors to open and Close.


    So maybe i can call the Website, located at my FSX PC running at Apache2, like


    or to Close



    .. and so on for all 4 Exits.


    So i want to ask if here is anyone can help me?


    Thansk a lot !


  6. Hello,


    i want to ask if it is possible to set a FSUIPC Offset ( FSX Door open SHIFT + E as example ) via a Webpage mayby using Java?


    The Background is i have a program which can call a Website like http://localhost/opendoors.html?Door1 or something like that.

    But it can not call a executable.

    At my local pc which runs the FSX i want to run a webserver and call this site from the

    Programm to open the Doors.


    Is there a way?




  7. It is the same for me.


    You ignore what i wrote, speak always from any P3D, you use a Default weather in P3Dv1.4 which is not present and have not tried AS2012 weather injection,

    have not changed FSUIPC4.92 to v4.923.


    What else should i say.


    Searching for anyone with the same Problem and locking very Forward to your Response then :-)



  8. Hi Pete,


    1. you have not tried to reproduce the conditions i explain

    2. you always speek from P3D, not about the Special Versions i mean...that makes a big difference.

    3. you say now to me you can not reproduce this because your main PC was broken


    So..how can you say that my notices are wrong and not thinking that maybe the FSUIPCv4.923 is the Problem ( even SAT OR TAT )


    I will search anywhere for peoples with the same results.

    Hopefully you are then more open to check also the FSUIPC.



  9. ...we post at the same Time...


    What Default weather did you use? Prepar3D , all Versions, have no Default weather engine ;-)


    It happens NOT without injecting any weather !!!


    Pls install Active Sky 2012 or another Weather makes no difference, and then it will happen.


    You must have the same conditions then here.

    You are comparing Apples and Pears ;-)




  10. Good Morning,


    thats it...@Pete: You have not installed P3Dv1.4, but say to me that i am wrong.

    I can also speek from the SAT, to come away from the TAT, because you always say this is calculated.

    The SAT in EDDK yesterday has to be -2°, but was +18.


    But that is not the Point. The Point is 1. i speak from the combination of P3Dv1.4 and FSUIPCv4.923.

    I wrote you the conditions before.




    That has NOTHING to do with another programs.

    Why can you not understand this.


    Please....before you again give a Statement install P3Dv1.4 and try to Change the FSUIPC as i say'd.




  11. Hi Pete,


    first .. you always speak of Prepar3D, but that is not correct.

    There are 2 Version have to be dividet !!


    P3D V1, the first one runs perfect with FSUIPC 4.92.

    P3D V2 does not run with FSUIPC 4.92, but Need FSUIPC v4,923 !!

    That is a difference !!


    So i explain again and very short the difference in my both tests:


    P3Dv1.4  + Active Sky 2012 + Prosim ( for the Logic ) + FSUIPC v4.92    ====>>> WORKS PERFECT

    P3Dv1.4  + Active Sky 2012 + Prosim ( for the Logic ) + FSUIPC v4.923  ====>>> GIVES ME A WRONG TAT


    You see the only difference is FSUIPC


    This brings me to the Point that only FSUIPC can be the reason for the wrong displayed TAT


    Can you pls try it before you say you are right and i am wrong?


    If you try it you will see the same result,beleave me !

    I am not the only one with the same Problem with FSUIPC 4.923 !

    And please ... i speak from Prepar3D v1.4, not Prepar3D v2 !!


    Ahh, abnd you are right, the TAT is calculated, i know, but it is calculated by the SAT, which is given by FSUIPC.




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