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raam123 last won the day on October 26 2020

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About raam123

  • Birthday 08/28/1981

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  1. Hi John, I’m aware of the procedure's. I just wondered if it my side or someone had similar issue. I will keep tracking and post the log once able. Thank you for quick replay.
  2. I just installed FSUIPC 7.4.12 , flying it with PMDG it seems to stop executing commands during flight ? (FSUIPC keeps running on the background…) Happened to me before takeoff and after landing… I just wonder if it happened to anyone else ?
  3. HI, Just purchased the new IFLY MAX trying to get IflyToFsuipc v2.03 to work and I keep getting: Status: IFLY NOT OK. Any ideas ?
  4. I tried all of the above with no success. "What do you mean by 'unable to press any button'? Are these physical or virtual buttons? If the former, than what has this got to do with the mouse, and if the latter then you will be using the mouse to click the button. So I don't understand this." If I press second monitor the P3D monitor losses focus, then trying to press an assigned button by FSUIPC it doenst work. I have to Press P3D monitor to have it focused then all working well, Hope I explained it.
  5. I'm using P3Dv5 does the above also apply ? Thank you !
  6. Hi, Im using overhead touchscreen for my 737 on a second monitor. While pressing the touch screen Im losing focus with the main screen and unable to press any button unless mouse clicking back on it. I searched and came across some solution like mouse.move etc… I couldnt understand how to set them and would appreciate any advise here. Thank you.
  7. I wonder if it's fixed ? or flying SP3 in p3Dv5.2 is not possible during night ?
  8. It was reported before, I assume it is P3Dv5, and I assume you are aware of the problem... https://forum.simflight.com/topic/92642-p3dv52-exterior-model-texture-at-night/
  9. Agree, Unfortunatlly as mush as I like this bird and appreciate the hard work it is unflyable in P3Dv5.2. Disappoonted and waitting for some real fix (Dynamics and external textures...)
  10. SP3 is out, which is great news. But any news about the extirior model at night ?
  11. Thx, I guess will have to wait...
  12. I've installed EJETs in the new P3Dv5.2 and exterior texture is just terrible... showing lines and not aligned. Can it be fixed ? so we can enjoy the model in 5.2 as well ( I own the complete series E170 E175 E190 E195) Thank you. I've attached a screenshot from the home E195 texture.
  13. Excellent finding with the MAP range feature :-) Just configured it using Macros ! Thank you. PS: Very nice home cockpit ! looking great !
  14. I also use Linda and FSUIPC to map buttons... Couldn't find a way to set map range increase and decrease .... any idea how to blind it ?
  15. Ok After breaking my head I found the issue... It was TCS mode for some reason assigned to button 1 which causes this mode //// After disabling the button with the config manager the plane is flyable.... 😣
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