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  1. Just to add my 2 cents - I would also be happy with just the basic controller assignment features (and mouse look if that would be possible.)
  2. Is it possible to properly conserve unique button/axis assignments for a given controller when the USB ports are changed, or when the same USB port is used for different controllers? I thought the "AutomaticallyAssignLetters" options was meant for this task, but I found that my CH Fighter Stick comes up as letter C/#2, and my yoke also comes up as letter C/#2 if I re-launch FSX with the yoke plugged in where the stick was.
  3. I don't know if this is the same issue you might be experiencing, but the front panel USB board in my PC case was defective and I didn't realize it. What was happening was, the USB devices attached to it would occasionally "disconnect" for a split second if the USB cables were nudged in even the slightest way. Most games/software could continue using those USB devices without issue but I found that FSUIPC would "lose" the affected devices once the cable was nudged, and required a restart of FSX to get them back. I had to request a replacement front panel unit from my case manufacturer to take care of this.
  4. Hi pilotjohn, First, thanks for taking the time to post this awesome tool. However I was having trouble getting it working and was hoping you might be able to help. OK, first thing I did was put ThrottleManager.lua into the FSX\modules folder along with the associated wave files. After starting FSX and closing it, FSUIPC.ini updated itself with: [LuaFiles] 1=ThrottleManager Then I went back into FSX and FSUIPC to configure the throttles. All my CH throttle quadrant's axes are ignored in FSX Control settings and set only in FSUIPC. I have each throttle assigned to Throttle1 through Throttle3 and calibrated with no reverse. I assigned each button at the bottom of each throttle axis to LuaToggle ThrottleManager with parameter 1 through 3 (using this for PMDG MD-11.) However when I move the throttles to the bottom and trigger the button the axis is not toggled to the reversers. The buttons themselves work fine with other things I have tried like assigning them to "Throttle1 Decr Fast" etc so the hardware is working fine. Thanks very much in advance for any pointers!
  5. The white flicker is a bug with simconnect and weather "injected" into FSX by programs like Opus. It happens when the program sends updated metars to the weather stations in FSX to keep your weather current. In other words it's one of those flaws with FSX that we just have to live with.
  6. Already figured this out, before anyone takes the time to respond! I didn't know there was a group of setting in the CH control manager that allowed you to specify a specific range in the detent. It defaults to 255 which means the control will ignore anything between the detent and the stop. I set this to 240 and it works great! Hopefully this will help anyone in the future who runs into the same problem. edit: woops, too late! Thank you anyways though, Pete :)
  7. I just recently purchased a CH throttle quadrant and have been trying to set it up with fsuipc. It's working OK for the most part, the problem is that each of the 6 axes ignore anything below the "idle detent" on the CH quadrant. In other words, when each level is in the idle detent, fsuipc is showing 16383 at the top of the level's motion and -16384 in the idle detent, and it doesn't go any lower than that (i.e. when I move the throttle past the idle detent to the very bottom of travel, it still shows -16384). The CH control manager utility is set up in direct mode with no mapping etc, and is calibrated properly. In there, in the test/calibrate page of the CH control manager, each axis shows full range of movement from stop to stop. Thanks in advance for any help!
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