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Everything posted by Skittles

  1. While going through the list of offsets, I thought I saw a Surface Height. I'll check again. Is this what you're looking for? Out of the Programmers.doc Offset Size Use FS2002 FS2004* 0020 4 Ground altitude in Metres x 256. (see also offset 0B4C) Ok Ok
  2. Hello again, I've done a search for "water" & "rudder" in the Programmers.doc and this forum, to find the offset for the water rudder, up/down position so I can program GFDisplay. My guess is FS2004 uses a different name or something. What I'm trying to do is have an LED on my GF-RP48 provide a flashing or on indication to show the position of a water rudder. If the water rudder is up, the LED would be off, flashing while transitioning and on when the rudder is extented. I've also had a look in FSInterregator. Would someone point me in the right direction? Thanks, Joe
  3. I figured out this much at least... [Conditions] 0=X2A48 F64 *100 =100 ; Left Wing Folded 1=!C0 X2A48 F64 *100 !=0 ; Left Wing in Motion 2=X2A48 F64 =0 ; Left Wing Extended 3=X2A50 F64 *100 =100 ; Right Wing Folded 4=!C3 X2A50 F64 *100 !=0 ; Right Wing in Motion 5=X2A50 F64 =0 ; Right Wing Extended [GFRP48.0] Needs=E B L5.1=C0 C3 =1 ; Both Wings Folded L5.2=C0 C4 =1 Fslow ; Left Folded, Right Moving L5.3=C1 C3 =1 Fslow ; Left Moving, Right Folded L5.4=C1 C4 =1 Ffast ; Both Wings Moving L5.5=C2 C4 =1 Fslow ; Left Extended, Right Moving L5.6=C1 C5 =1 Fslow ; Left Moving, Right Extended 1. When the wings are extended, the LED is off. 2. When one wing is in motion, the LED flashes slowly. 3. When both wings are in motion, the LED flashes quickly. 4. When both wings are folded, the LED stays on. This is starting to get fun!
  4. I've been reviewing my work and have come up with this... [GF Connections] GFDev=DLL found GF45=3 GFLGT=1 GFMCP=1 GFRP48=3 GFP8=3 GFT8=3 GF166=6 GF46=1 [Conditions] [GFP8.1] Needs=B E B=8 L3=X029C U8; Pitot Heat On This is what was throwing me off It's now working as expected.
  5. I've spent three hours going through the GFDisplay.pdf. And I just spent the last hour typing a long post to accurately show what I'm doing and thinking, but then my browser decided to update itself and shut down. I'm already mad that GFDisplay is apparently too complicated for me and now I don't have time for an accurate post. :x Running FS2004 (FS9.1) and FSUIPC 3.48, GFDisplay 1.1. As a learning experiment, I'm simply trying to assign one GF-P8 button to Pitot_Heat_Toggle and have the LED light up. FSUIPC.ini button assignment 67=P101,11,C65858,0 GFDisplay.ini [GF Connections] GFDev=DLL found GF45=3 GFLGT=1 GFMCP=1 GFRP48=3 GFP8=3 GFT8=3 GF166=6 GF46=1 [Conditions] 0=X029C U8 =1 ; Pitot Heat On [GFP8.1] Needs=B E B=8 L3 C0 I'm sorry, but I don't have time right now to explain my entire thought process as to why I came up with what I did. My FSUIPC.ini settings for the button are correct. The function itself works fine in FS. So I'm screwed up somewhere with GFDisplay. Any help is so greatly appreciated, Joe
  6. Well, it could be wind forces if it's yawing left. If could be unbalanced fuel tanks or aileron trim if it's banking left. Physically, your flight controller may not quite center properly. If this is the case, then yes FSUIPC could help. It has much finer calibration.
  7. Thanks for the explanation, I still have 8 buttons and one rotary with no function, and I'm trying to find out what else I can use, which is why I was going through your list. I've determined some of the controls are for the Combat Flight Sim side of the house since FS doesn't have Huds, Targets etc. Thanks for your response, now go I'll tell the guys on Simviation. Joe
  8. Hello again Pete, I've been looking through the list of available FS controls provided by you. Here's what I'm looking at... AXIS_THROTTLE_SET I know this gets assigned to a lever and what this does. THROTTLE_CUT THROTTLE_DECR THROTTLE_INCR THROTTLE_FULL I know these are for button assignments. THROTTLE_SET But what is this for? I figure it's a button assignment. I see this a lot throughout the list. Is there some significant task they perform? My guess is, if I understand correctly, The AXIS controls are SET by the position of the lever. The buttons are SET by the variable assigned on the buttons page?
  9. I think reloading the buttons/keys with the aircraft is fine. I have a key assigned to that for when I'm editing the Viewpoint. But maybe that's too dependent on FS. Meaning, why would you want the action to be invoked by the sim. Maybe it would be better to load that section when opening the Buttons/Keys tabs. Or maybe both? If I had to choose, I'd choose re-load with the aircraft. To me, that's just one keypress instead of four mouse clicks. Thanks for considering it. Joe
  10. Hi Pete, Is it possible to add a feature which allows us to conduct a Hot Reload of the INI file? I'm going through the process of assigning multiple keystrokes to my GoFlight push button modules. Everything is progressing perfectly. But to make things go just a little faster, I'd like to be able to re-load the INI file without having to restart the sim so my manual changes can take affect. Just an idea. Joe
  11. It adds cockpit sound and verbal notices to your flight. More so with the big aircraft than say the cessna. It does work. No setup or instructions needed. It's pretty cool. You can even replace the sounds with your own. So when I'm reaching my designated altitude and I get that "one to go" ping, It also says "one to go" in my own voice.
  12. Thought I would just inform you of the results... Well, he didn't, but he does now. All is well, except he's having conflicts between the GF-MCP and the PM-MCP. I told him I could not help him there but I said you may or may not know something that may help. That's as far as I'm going with this. If he needs more help, he should be contacting you. Thank you very, very much for your help. Take care, Joe
  13. Well, he says he has the current 1.33 build 10 of the GoFlight GFdev.dll and it is in the GoFlight directory. I'm at a loss.
  14. Hi Pete, Me again. I'm trying to help a guy on the GoFlight forum program his modules via FSUIPC. He claims FSUIPC is not recognizing his P8 buttons. Yoke is ok, just not the GF module. He claims he has a registered copy of FSUIPC 3.30. I don't yet know what FS he's running nor do I know his OS. The manual says assigning keypresses to buttons is not available with Win95? Does this apply to "control" assignments as well? It also stated... If he is using Win95 would this feature also be unavailable, or is the KeySend feature not related to assigning keypresses? I will double check his location of the GFSev.dll file. In the meantime, what else could cause PSUIPC to not recognize a module? Thanks for your time, Joe
  15. I've had the same symptoms for a long time and Pete, you've given the only real answer I've ever read. Why can't everyone know as much as you... You're the best. Joe
  16. Okay, I did exactly as you said and guess what? It works perfectly, how about that! Pete, you're the greatest.
  17. This is where my "programmers" mind got me. I did read the small part shown above. But in my programming mentality, I see that as an IF THEN statement. I do agree with you that my throttle has a center or idle position. It's just that when I read the part above I concluded it was refering to devices with built in centering. I'll try to do a little more thinking Pete. But, perhaps this is one area that could be reworded? Not sure how. Reading the WHOLE para. it make perfect sence... I feel so silly, I can only laugh at myself. Thanks
  18. Hi Pete and others interested, For a while now (about two weeks) I've been trying to calibrate my GoFlight TQ-6 to allow Thrust Reverse. I've been reluctant to ask why it isn't working as I had expected, because I was afraid Pete would yell at me about reading the manual. :lol: I'm glad I didn't ask because I found the problem and I think the solution. :wink: The Problem: Getting Flight Simulator 2004 (FS9) to recognize the "reverse" portion of the throttle wasn't a problem at all. However, it still treated the "reverse" as an on/off toggle. If I went down past idle the throttles would pause until I got to max reverse and then engage the reversers. Possible or Partial Solution: GoFlight's Config program allows the user to make control assignments from outside of FS9. FSUIPC still recognizes the throttle inputs but something wasn't quite right. I then went back to GoFlights config software and unassigned the throttles. I then made the assignments in FS9 set the Sens/Null to max/min. The throttles are now working as expected, kind of (see next para). As I go into reverse, the amount of change is smooth. However, one thing still remains and Pete, this is for you. I hope I can describe it correctly. There is a big gap in the idle area. As per the manual (I think :? ), On page 3 of the Joystick tab, I set the throttles to MIN and pushed the REVERSE set button. I then set the throttle to IDLE and pushed the IDLE set button and then FULL throttle and pushed the MAX set button. Here are the IN/OUT numbers I'm getting... 567 IN = 59 OUT 378 IN = 0 OUT (beginning of gap, not where I thought idle would be) -10208 IN = 0 OUT (end of gap but what I think should be idle) -10397 IN = 133 OUT (beginning of reverse, this is good) The sets of numbers are consecutive, meaning, there are no other in/out settings between 567 & 378 or -10208 & -10397. What am I missing? In one section of the manual titled "ADDITIONAL AXIS CONTROLS (Reverser, Trims and Cowl Flaps)" my understanding is that this is for setting an axis just for those individual controls, right? Now, I know you don't have a TQ-6 (yet?), but I am hoping you may still have an answer for me. I do have one recommendation about your manual. I think a Table of Contents would be very helpful. Thanks for the software, your time and support, Joe
  19. Pete, In CJK's (150245) post about Seatbelt signs, you mentioned pmSounds. You're correct, it's still freeware. But there is no user documentation for it. I have sent an e-mail to ProjectMagenta, but I'm still waiting for a reply. They must be busy. Do you happen to know of any docs I can get to learn how to work this? If not, just reply with a sad face, I know you're a busy man. Hope your eyes coming along okay! Thanks, Joe
  20. Pete, I found the problem. It is not a bug. In case your not familiar with the TQ-6... There are six levers labled A thru F from left to right. Along with Levers B thru E are thrust reverse levers which are actually designed as buttons. I have two of my thrust reverse levers taken out for my twin prop config on levers B and E. This way I can get a high range of motion from B and E. When I was assigning buttons, I apparently had lever E up full which would depress the thrust reverse button, even though the TR lever was removed. So, not realizing FSUIPC was detecting the other button press, I made thought it was a double assignment on FSUIPC's part. Since that error was discovered, I have no objection to removing this entire thread to avoid confusion. Really, sorry about that. I'll start paying more attention to what I'm doing. Sincerely, Joe
  21. Those assignments were in FSUIPC 3.30 only. I had the buttons "unassigned" in Goflight. I'm currently running a defrag. Taking forever... If I can duplicate this situation, I'll send you a detailed list via PM. If not, I will consider it operator error. Afterwards, I'll check out what you said about the FSControls. Joe
  22. Okay, I didn't catch that before. Duh! You probably said it, what... four or five times. From now on, I do better at listening. I think their intention was to have a single localized place to configure the GoFlight equipment. They always say to un-assign any FS assignments. But either method, assigning via GoFlight or FS, works fine as long as the opposite is unassigned. Joe
  23. The assignments in FS for panel selection did not change. It was a "key" assignment problem. I had first selected a GoFlight button to open the GPS via SHFT+2. I then changed aircraft. Found that the new aircraft required SHFT+3. So I then did another assignment which was aircraft specific. I then received the comm panel and the GPS SHFT+2 and SHFT+3. I went to the original aircraft, unassigned the button assignment of SHFT+2 and re-assigned as aircraft specific. Problem solved.
  24. Hope I didn't mess anything up for you. Just trying to help. Want me to stop? Sincerely, Joe
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