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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hi,

    1) download from aerosoft the update to version 8.6 and install this update

    2) after done run the FSCommander

    3) now run your FSX

    4) now try to make a connection

    5) if this fails send following files to ma e-mail adress which you find at the bottom on our homeage:

    from the FSC folder: FSC_Info.LOG, FSC_Protocol.log, fsc.ini

    from the FSX\modules folder: FSUIPC4.ini, FSUIPC4.log


  2. Hi Joao ,

    All went well, ran the Database Manager, found the virtual drive and compiled all files. FSC ran smoothly allowing me to create routes and everything. However, connecting to GPS I get the following error:

    "unable to connect to flight simulator Msg# (no process response)"

    please read this:


    and this


    if you have read this, you will understand if I say, you must NOT run as administrator, you MUST everything INSTALL AS ADMINISTRATOR!

    This is particularly valid for the FSUIPC.



  3. Hi Paintwagon,

    the last line in your fligt plan (KJFK) shows no landing information and in this case the data are not written into the Logbook.

    The condition are: exactly QNH settings, Wheels on Ground and speed below 60 kt GS.

    With other words, make sure that this condition are true and the arrival airport is updated.



  4. Hallo ???,

    natürlich speichert der FSCommander die Pläne auch im .RTE Format und

    natürlich wissen wir Rat, einfach das Handbuch lesen.

    Kapitel: 20, Seite 98 und sich dann den Screenshot ansehen.

    Den Folder auswählen wo sich Dein FSX befindet, denn darin befindet sich auch der Ordner für die PMDG Flugpläne.

    In diesem Fall erkennt der FSCommander wo er die Pläne für die PMDG speichern soll

    und zwar wie vorgesehen im .RTE Format.



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