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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hallo,

    Wenn ich UIPCHello als Admin ausführe, läuft auch die Zeit mit... aber der FSC steht immer noch auf 00,00

    Hier beschreibst Du schon die Lösung, irgendeine Software scheint nicht als Administrator installiert zu sein.

    Versuche mal den Simulator und den FSCommander als Adminstrator laufen zu lassen.

    Wenn das nicht hilft dann muss sowohl der Simulator, die FSUIPC als auch der FSCommander

    erneut als Administrator installiert werden.



  2. Hi Bill,

    I'm sure that has nothing todo with the outside view because ...

    ... the information whether an aircraft has landed, receives the FSCommander from the FSUIPC.

    The condition for this are, the gear touched the ground and the speed is less than 60 kt, or vice versa.



  3. Hi Mark,

    as I have ask you before, it's' important to me to know the Build ...... of the FSCommander.

    Watch the IntroScreen while run the FSCommander.

    Workaround, please delete following files in the FSCommander main directory:

    ivao_Status.txt, URLIVAO.INI and test the connection again.

    If this not works, post the above files here.


  4. Hi Nelson,

    as I expected, you have NOT set the path for your FS9 and FSX in the option window.

    Watch your FSC.ini and you find the empty path...



    If you have reading the manual you must have reading following information:

    Chapter 20, Options Window, page 97 and 98, section Flight Plan.

    Watch the screenshot and you will see the first setting is the folder where your Flight Simulator installed,

    in your case for

    FS9: c:\programfiles(x86)\microsoftgames\flightsimulator9

    and for

    FSX: c:\programfiles(x86)\microsoftgames\microsoftflightsimulatorx

    If you have made this settings the FSCommander can now saving the flight plans for any AddOn aircraft like PMDG or LevelD ....


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