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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hi Jacky,

    this is NOT a FSCommander BlackBox Bug.

    The Blackbox can NOT redording while you are flying in full view mode or if you have minimize the FSCommander.

    Read more about this in the manual, chapter 1.2 Installation, Page 6,You should bear in mind that FlightSim Commander ...



  2. Hi Justin,

    I'm sure that you have mounted both drives with FS9 and FSX while running the DatabaseManager,

    This can not work's. While you are running the databaseManager to update for example your FSC data, you must

    be sure, that you have only the drive or folder mounted which containing only the FSX flightsimulator.



  3. Hi Steve,

    there is a big difference between to be an administrator or to run/ install as administrator.

    1) try to install/run the FSUIPC and the FSCommander as administrator

    2) read this post here: viewtopic.php?f=155&t=79260&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a

    3) download the attached file UIPCHello.zip, extracting th file, start your Flightsimulator and while running

    run the UIPCHello and let me know all value's the program is showing.



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