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Bob Fiedler

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Posts posted by Bob Fiedler

  1. If you know the name of the airport or the code letters, you can use the search window at the upper left corner of the FSNav window. If entering the code, click on the appropriate box first.

    This may generate more entries than you need because many names are common throughout the world. Once you have the airport(s) listed, right click on the one you think is right and select "center map" or "move to flight plan" to see if it is in the area that you want.

    Bob F.

  2. Unless Helge is a Beta tester, and even then he, like the rest of us, has to wait for the SDK and the actual release of FSX to know what compatibilitiy and information access problems will occur. FS9 was out for some time before FSNav was updated to include some of the information that was not accessable by the previous version.

    I would expect there would be some level of compatibility right off the bat. Only time will tell. Of course, you are perfectly able and welcome to not buy FSX initially, or at all, if FSNav doesn't fit your expectations. I think I will!

    Bob F.

  3. The program Windows Live Local which has arial view close-ups of many areas, shows another runway parallel to runway 16 under construction. It is all brown and unmarked. I suppose it was under construction during the time the data was collected for the views in the program. I know that the same program shows construction in my neighborhood that was ongoing a year ago. So, I also suppose that the runway was not there when FS9 was released 2 1/2 years ago. Subsequent add-ons have probably updated it and it just requires a rerun of the database build program to incorporate it in FSNav.

    Bob F.

  4. When you say, "my scenery", do you mean the stock FS9 scenery? When you go to the airport with the FS9 utility, does it give you the choices of 16L and 16R? Although they are evidently there in real life, FS9 did not include them.

    If you have a improved version add-on of the airport, then you must rerun the database builder program to include the info in the FSNav database. As PaulB has said.

    Bob F.

  5. I may not understand exactly, but the only time I've got that message is when I am using the "search" window and I enter something sort of ambiguous that can be interpreted as airfields or waypoints or any sort of navigational entity. Sometimes these are in far off locations in the world.

    If the location you are looking for does not appear near the top of the list, then see if you can be more explicit. Or, better yet, try using the ICAO code for the airport. Check the box for ICAO code first. When all else fails, use the "goto airport" option of FS9 and it will locate your airplane at the desired location and FSNavigator will follow. Then right-click on the location when the info window is showing and choose "send to flight plan".

    Bob F.

  6. After bringing up FSNavigator with the F9 key, you can "undock" the window with Ctrl F9. The subsequent window will be overlayed on your panel view. It can be reduced or enlarged in size by dragging the edges or corners to the size you desire. It can also be moved around the view by dragging on the upper bar. The F9 key will still toggle it on and off.

    I never do this but I have tested it and it works as I described. There may be other features that I have overlooked.

    Bob F.

  7. However, temporary fixes can be created and inserted into a flightplan by just clicking ona spot and "draging" it into the flightplan. It can then be adjusted on the map by subsequent draging while observing the distance and bearing data of the flight path. If the fix is not in the correct order in the plan, it can be "drug" up or down to change its order. The flight path will change to suit. These fixes are assigned coordinates and will convert to points in a FS9 flightplan also.

    I hope this is of some use. Bob F.

  8. I wrote this initial message sort of tongue in cheek because I hadn't been able to access a updated veersion of the forum since back in April. I don't know why, but today it pops up again. I'm glad to be back in the loop!

    The dame was true for the other simFlight forums.

    Bob F.

  9. Be sure that you have the GPS/NAV switch on the airplane's panel set to NAV. Then just click the "Fly flightplan" box in FSNAV. I think the AP comes on automatically. Assuming that the Gyro has been calibrated, by pressing the "D" key, the airplane should go to the heading , or to the next waypoint shown on the flightplan.

    Works for me every time. Of course the airplane must have a standard autopilot. Some don't.

    Bob F.

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