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Everything posted by drskyking

  1. Thank you! Didn't read down far enough! Is the "pot" something I could check without ruining the unit do you think? Is it obvious what it is or should I just get a new set, it still drifts now and then, but not always, just enough to make me crazy!! Take care. Doc
  2. Thanks Pete. I downloaded and installed and worked with FSUIPC 3600 this morning. Very nice! Also downloaded the control manager from CH prods and calibrated the pedals with that. Big difference, calibrates just a bit to right, but plane stays straight now! I also deleted all joystick assignments in FS9 to use the new FSUIPC, works great but how do I decrease the "sensitivity" of the aileron, elevator and rudder now? Or am I not asking the right question, with just slight movements of the yoke I get very big swings in the aircraft with aileron and elevator especially, is there a way to make that more realistic? Thanks. Have a great day! Doc Commercial IFR
  3. with or without FSUIPC 353 on my FS9, making the plane yaw like crazy with autopilot and hard to handle on final and taxiing. If I hit the right CH prods USB rudder pedal it realigns for 10-60 secs then drifts to the left over and over again. When I calibrate from the game or control panel the rotation axis will drift also. When I look at FSUIPC after it drifts the numbers that should be 0 are up around 7800, if I tap the right rudder pedal it goes back to 2 0's but in 10-60 secs, back to 7800! Ahh. This has been happening for a long time but worse at times. Any ideas to stop this appreciated. Thank you. Win XP SP2, 2.4 ghz, 1GB RAM, NVIDIA 6800GT
  4. Thanks Pete, I will look into it in the documents with it. I didn't realize the alt M F thing, with my windows XP I no longer have the letter underlined that used to be there with my old windows me and 98. I wonder if there is a way to have the key letters underlined again. Regards, Doc
  5. while running FS2004 in full screen mode. Now to hide/view the Garmin430 (old FSGarmin tied into the Garmin430 Trainer) I have to go back and forth to window mode and then open the Modules tab and click on Hide/View Garmin430. Thanks.. Robert
  6. even after calibrating my CH USB rudder pedals. I have had this problem since I installed FS9 on my Dell Dimension. I just reformatted my hard drive, reinstalled FS2004, recalibrated my rudder pedals, reset the settings in my registered FSUIPC 3.5 and still within minutes of calibrating and resetting the neutral value of my pedals to 0 they drift. This makes aircraft very unsteady to taxi and keep straight in flight without AP. Is there a setting I can change somewhere? This is my current FSUIPC config file: [General] GenerateCirrus=No WindShearSharp=No AutoTaxiWind=No UpperWindGusts=Yes GraduatedVisibility=No LowerVisAltitude=0 UpperVisAltitude=25000 ExtendMetarMaxVis=No PatchSimApAlt=Yes AutoClearWeather=Yes ExtendTopWind=No WindSmoothness=5 SmoothPressure=No PressureSmoothness=5 SmoothVisibility=Yes VisibilitySmoothness=2 MaxSurfaceWind=9 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 MinimumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibilityFewClouds=0 MaximumVisibilityOvercast=0 UpperVisibility=6000 OneCloudLayer=No ThinClouds=No ThinThunderClouds=No CloudThinness=1000 ThunderCloudThinness=10000 CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No WindTurbulence=No SuppressAllGusts=No ExternalOptionControl=Yes AutoTuneADF=No MagicBattery=Yes AxisCalibration=No TCASid=Tail TCASrange=40 KeepFS98CloudCover=No RudderSpikeRemoval=No ElevatorSpikeRemoval=No AileronSpikeRemoval=No SuppressCloudTurbulence=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No FixWindows=No MainMenu=&Modules SubMenu=&FSUIPC ... TrapUserInterrupt=Yes NavFreq50KHz=No ClockSync=No SmoothIAS=No FixControlAccel=Yes MaximumVisibilityRainy=0 ShowPMcontrols=No TrafficScanPerFrame=10 History=O6TGV5MYJT57858RYTM6R WhiteMessages=No ThrottleSyncAll=No DisconnTrimForAP=No ReversedElevatorTrim=No SpoilerIncrement=512 ShortAircraftNameOk=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No WindSmoothing=Yes PropTaxiWind=No TimeSetMode=Partial SetVisUpperAlt=No VisUpperAltLimit=6000 MaxIce=-4 WindSmoothingDelay=0 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=No VisSmoothingDelay=0 VisSmoothAirborneOnly=No CentredDialogue=No ClearWeatherDynamics=Yes OwnWeatherChanges=No WeatherReadInterval=4 MoveBGLvariables=Yes TimeForSelect=4 WeatherReadsFast=No [JoystickCalibration] FlapsSetControl=0 Aileron=-16380,0,0,16380 Rudder=-16380,0,0,16380 Mixture=-16193,16192 RightBrake=-13970,13970 Elevator=-16380,0,0,16380 LeftBrake=-13970,13970 MapProp12to34=Yes MapMix12to34=Yes ReverserControl=66292 MaxThrottleForReverser=1 AileronTrimControl=1 RudderTrimControl=1 MapProp=Yes MapThr12to34=Yes PropPitch1=-16193,0,512,16192 Throttle1=-16193,-15425,-15425,16192 CowlFlaps1Control=0 CowlFlaps2Control=0 CowlFlaps3Control=0 CowlFlaps4Control=0 PanHeading=-16380,-512,512,16380 PanPitch=-16380,-512,512,16380 PanTilt=-16380,-512,512,16380 ExclThrottleSet=No SepRevsJetsOnly=No Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MapThrottle=Yes [buttons] 0=H1,11,K35,8 1=H1,2,K45,10 2=H1,3,K135,10 3=R1,8,C1006,1 4=H1,9,K192,8 5=P1,34,C66416,0 6=P1,32,C65735,0 7=P1,33,C66416,0 8=P1,35,C66416,0 9=P1,37,C66416,0 10=P1,38,C66416,0 11=P1,39,C66416,0 12=U1,8,C1006,2 13=P1,9,C1006,1 14=U1,9,C1006,2 [Keys] 1=191,8,65589,0 Thank you.. Robert
  7. Thought I would start with you, you are such a wealth of knowledge, will try VATSIM forums. Can't believe you aren't an online flyer with all you have done for this hobby!! Take care.
  8. Just want to run an annoyance by you I can't make go awaywhen flying VATSIM. I start FS2002, then multiplayer host on my PC, then start sevinfo, SB host and SB2.3 on my laptop using wideFS, change callsign, file FP then connect to SB/VATSIM. I then open AVC tuner and AVC on the PC so I can use a button on my CH Yoke to talk to ATC. Whenever I tune an ATC I get tuned into the local ATC I want, but AVC also pops up on my laptop and it looks like I am in the ATC chat room twice on the laptop and once on the PC. Sometimes the frequency only changes on the laptop and not the PC. I even removed AVC completely from the laptop (using add/remove) and made sure AVC Tuner points to AVC.exe on the PC. Is there a way to avoid AVC popping up and running on the laptop? I have winXP. Thanks. Doc
  9. Will do on Avsim. Thanks. The main problem I am having is that I found the remote installer, got it running fine with wide FS but even after generating a key and registering I get locked after 20 minutes and still no radar echos with or without my Activesky.
  10. Thanks Pete, I will ask the AS guys. Take care! Doc
  11. Pete- I gave myself a Christmas present and reformatted my main hard drive and then reloaded windows xp home and FS2002 on my computer. I then only loaded LAGO FSSE, and then ActiveSky v 1.92.4 . Everything seems great except I no longer get the rain/snow and overcast horizon vis reductions, just that awful blue ring. We had a nice low overcast of 1600 feet agl here in upstate NY, USA today and all I had was 10miles and the blue ring under the overcast layer. Also the metar said vis 3 sm but fs put in 10! It was working beautifully before. I start with all weather cleared on FS2002. For some reason Activesky can't download winds tonight, but it seems that shouldn't affect the visiblitlies. Have I forgotton something? In AS I do have both rain\snow and overcast horizon vis reduction checked. Did I read somewhere that with your latest registered version of FSUIPC which I have, the overcast horizon vis red box should be unchecked in AS? Thank you so much again! Doc
  12. Thanks Pete. Merry Christmas and thanks for all the advice!
  13. Hello again Pete. Not sure where to get info on FSFlightMax. I just downloaded and started to try and figure it out. I would like to run it on my wideFS client computer, can you tell me how? I had to install it on the computer that runs FS2002. Also it times out after a certain small amount of time, it says freeware, but do I register it somewhere, there is no longer a fsflightmax.com website available. Thank you again. Doc
  14. Thanks so much. Those questions have been bugging me for a year. I am an IFR pilot and love practicing my approaches near my home airport and would often get frustrated seeing beautiful IFR weather with a ceiling of 300 feet and 1.5 m visibility out my window, logging onto FS and finding they dumped in a scattered layer at 2500 with 40 miles vis!! What a great resource you are. I have been doing this so long, I must have read in the past and forgotton how FS and ActiveSky handled winds and ceiling reports! That wideFS of yours is awesome with a laptop and wireless router. I now have my local flight buddies all doing it, FS on desktop with the servinfo gauge on the panels, then ActiveSky, Squawkbox, AVC, AVC tuner and Sevinfo on the laptop. We get together on VATSIM or IVAO and as far as we are concerned it is as "real as it gets"! Have a great weekend! Doc
  15. Thanks Jim, VATSIM Metars were checked. I think the issue is the true vs mag and AGL v MSL. Does FS report clouds MSL in their ATIS'?? Good night! Doc
  16. Sorry to sound so disconnected. I have read the excellent users guide several times and have done all the suggestions and ActiveSky's suggestions. It is v1.92.4, atis refreshed. I am in NY, USA, variation is +14. If FS ATIS ( I was calling it A-automated W-weather O-observation S-station and that is what we call it at our local airport KSCH on freq 119.27) is giving the info in MSL instead of AGL the cloud bases jibe. I think it is all running correctly. I will experiment with the winds aloft another time. Seems if ActiveSky and ADDS was reporting the winds at 17000 305/58 then they were from 319 mag and my course was around 272 mag there should have been more of a right correction needed instead of the left crab, I still can't imagine why with the heavy headwind my groundspeed was so much faster that IAS which I realize is much less than true at that altitude. I will have to get the E6B out and check it out. I am sure it is working perfectly, as an active SEL IFR pilot I love all your products, again, great job!!! Regards, Doc
  17. I was flying VATSIM, SB and AVC and ActiveSky were all running. I was getting the winds aloft from the winds aloft page from ActiveSky, checked them against AviationDigitalData, the numbers coincided. I disabled real world weather on SB and did not download any weather from FS and started with all weather cleared. I double checked, I was wrong the Advanced weather only showed me the correct surface winds. I also noticed on the ground that with all the data from ActiveSky the Activesky ATIS (122.00 with my airport) said winds 050/15, sky OVC 1500, FS tuned to the airport AWOS said 064/16, sky Broken 1900, vis and temp/alt were identical. I will try the shiftZ tonight to check winds aloft. When I looked at the winds under Advanced it showed the surface winds 064/16 to 99999 while I was on the ground. I am wondering if this is all expected. Thanks again.
  18. Hello Pete- In the last few days you have quickly solved all my problems so I thought I would try something I am not sure is an ActiveSky problem or FSUIPC. I did as you suggested last night and launched FS2002, got setup with VATSIM, disabled real world weather from Squawkbox, cleared all weather from FS, loaded ActiveSky and refreshed a few minutes before takeoff. Have your most recent WideFS, FSUIPC and most recent pre-FS9 ActiveSky. I was flying at 17000 where the winds were from 305 at 58 kts, my aircraft had an IAS of 230, heading 252 to maintain a ground track of 278 and my GPS was saying a ground speed of 268! The GS and heading seemed the opposites of what they should have been, I expected a hefty right heading correction and significant loss of GS. Under advance weather settings the correct winds aloft were there. Any idea what may be happening? Cloud layers, temps, altimeter all were exact replicas of the "real world" from the metars enroute. Thanks again. Doc
  19. I've always wondered the optimal settings on the hardware page. Maybe I don;'t have them optimal. Do you have a recommendation for which should be on and which off:mip-mapping, anti-aliasing, bi- or tri-linear filtering? I have a fast Pentium III with 1gB RAM, fsglobal5 and good old FS2002. Thanks again.
  20. I have ActiveSky v 1.92.4, the latest version for FS2002. Thanks again.
  21. Thanks. That makes perfect sense. I was flying over a large area with no reporting stations and when I got 15 miles out from my destination the weather came back! What I meant by "res dropped" after the weather started going back and forth with the reloads the textures of clouds aircraft and ground looked more like 256 colors on 800x600 instead of 32 bit on 1024x768. After I restarted FS2002 when I landed the detail returned. Regards, Robert PS Thanks for the help with wideFS, it solved all my problems last night and made flying on line a pleasure!!
  22. Thanks so much. Everything working great!
  23. While flying in solid IFR last night using downloaded real weather and winds aloft FS2002, have latest registered version of FSUIPC, halfway to my destination the weather suddenly cleared and resolution dropped. If I kept re-downloading real weather it would come back briefly then kick back to clear and altimeter would change. Wonder if anyone else has seen this. Also have latest ActiveSky, wonder if that would work better. I start with all weather cleared as advised. Thanks.
  24. Thanks. Not being any kind of programmer but appreciating what it takes to be one, great job you have done for this "hobby"! Take care.
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