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Posts posted by pilotgothic1

  1. Hey greenco,

    don't be so angry! I have read almost every thread/post since the beginning of this forum and also every single problem of an user was sorted out either by Maurizio or Francois. But it's weekend at all! I'm pretty sure that on Monday your problem is solved!

    I can understand that if a software is not working as it should it IS nasty! But if you give up on this one you will miss something for sure! Because FSCargo adds really for your flight experience and immersion.

    So maybe you should think it over and give them a chance! BTW I'm customer of many companies who provides addons (planes, scenery etc.) but the service and help in every FSAddon.com related forum is outstanding without no doubt!


  2. @3ra_luke

    I'm flying with the Stationair Amphibian and have no problem at all with FSCargo?!

    The only thing that you have to do is to change the following line in the aircraft.cfg of the Stationair:

    (under [Reference Speeds]):


    Thank's to Jaap van Hees who has provided this tip!

    Now you get assignments to short strips also...

    Hope this helps


  3. Hallo François,

    mir gefällt vor allem folgender Satz:

    Das Manual ist sehr ausführlich, ausführlicher könnte es für eine Szenerie nicht sein. Respekt! Es ist ein insgesamt 61 Seiten langes, in englisch gehaltenes PDF, von dem die ersten 10 Seiten, sozusagen als Einleitung, einen Screenshotbericht eines Users enthalten. Nicht wirklich nötig, aber durchaus lesenswert.

    "Screenshotbericht eines Users - nicht wirklich nötig"! So ein Banause, was? :lol:


  4. I just had nightmares involving war scenarios and getting killed.

    Now that we are offtopic: I remember well I have played Call of Duty 1 with the expansion packs and I've found the experience so real and so depressing that since then I've never played any wargame. War must be hell...


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