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Posts posted by pilotgothic1

  1. Hi there,

    now I've upgraded my RAM to 1.5 GB and I'm VERY glad to report that with extra GA traffic and marine lights enabled, along with all other "goodies" from the control panel (not marinas :cry: ), all sliders maxed out, real weather with many clouds and Carenados C206 in VC mode I can fly in all V+ areas almost stutter free! Even in downtown (with reduced FPS of course) there is a smooth flying possible!!!

    It's a whole new experience!!! This money was well spent.

    When panning around in the cockpit no more white areas, no more visible loading of mesh and textures while flying, no more blurry textures at all, it even seems to me that the exterior of the (already very good looking) Stationair is much more improved then it was before!

    Now I can even fly to my EZ sceneries without stutters :D

    I can only recommend to upgrade the RAM before buying the 1001 addon plane. This will improve the flying experience in a unbelieveable way!

    BTW I must agree with Andy: the support here in every concern is outstanding and far beyond every support for a payware addon. It's rather a talk with friends and a really great help in every way.

    Thank's guys


  2. If I can add my 2 cents...

    I have an AMD Athlon 2.8 GHz with 768 MB SDDR RAM, a Geforce MX5700 video card and with all sliders maxed out I get in the whole V+ area (except downtown) around 18 FPS (locked at 18 ). (Marinas disabled) Downtown it droppes to 9 - 11 FPS. I'm using only the Carenado C206 Stationair in VC mode.

    So all in all I should be satisfied with this result but I've noticed that (only in the V+ area) sometimes FS pauses for about 4 secs. I think the sim loads then new mesh data and textures.

    I find this fact a little bit annoying so I've decided to upgrade my RAM to 1.5 Gig. Hope this helps improve my performance.

    All in all not bad with a payware addon plane. This proves to me that, although V+ is a fairly complex scenery regarding mesh etc., it is very well programmed otherwise I could not get such good results!

    Ah well, frame rates.... the neverending story! :wink:


  3. Wow, with that beeing said, it must have been a challenge to create both the V+ Control panel and the installer!

    As we go in such detail my respect for you folks grows every hour for making such a great scenery despite so many problems!

    Outstanding! I have just finished a little FSE enhancement for Hope. While working on the scenery I switched several times between some seasons and what can I say: per example in summer the feeling of "beeing there" is so great, I can actually hear the gentle waves of the nearby little river!

    I had (as most simmers) over the past 10 years many good sceneries in every version of FS but what you have created here is a totally new experience!

    Not to mention the really extraordinary support that is available here! It is a very familiar atmosphere in this forum!

    I'm very proud to be a (very small) part of this!


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