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Everything posted by N987PL

  1. Ah....thanks Pete. I think it's for the noise filter on the prop calibration. I was having some jitter on the control and the filter seemed to eliminate it. Thanks MUCH!!
  2. Thanks for the response Reinhard. The sim is FSX, airplane is Carenado King Air C90B. I managed to delete all of the axis information, start over, with first assigning the axis for the prop 1 and prop 2, and then calibrating in direct mode all with the FSUIPC 4.9 utility. I got if resolved late last night with the settings below from my FSUIPC.ini. I'm not sure what the /8 signifies however.... PropPitch1=-16384,-129,512,16383/8 PropPitch2=-16384,512,903,16383/8
  3. Can someone help me with the correct settings in FSUIPC4 for feathering the propellers using the PFC Flight Contol Quadrant? I cannot get the joystick calibration function within the FSUIPC utility to work properly that will enable feather. Here are my current settings: PropPitch1=-16384,-8127,512,16383 PropPitch2=-16384,-8127,512,16383
  4. Pete, first of all .... I've been a registered FSUIPC user for years and didn't know what I had. My Sincere Compliments! I have purchased a PFC Throttle Console and TurboProp throttle. I see you recommended above that we use the PFC calibration as part of the driver to calibrate instead of FSUIPC? When I select the PFC utility in the Add On tab in FSX, all I see is text identifying the driver in use. If FSUIPC is not recommended to use with the PFC throttle calibration, where do I find the PFC utility. I am, by the way, using the rudder trip direct calibration through FSUIPC and it's working correctly. Right now, I can't get the throttles to idle like the other person posting on this topic.
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