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elsmoko last won the day on December 9 2019

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About elsmoko

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    San Diego, CA

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  1. Thank you for the fast reply John. I'll find and uninstall kACARS. Best regards, Ken
  2. Hi John, Please see attached screen cap. Can you suggest a way to prevent this error. The error appears very infrequently; but when it does it causes FSX to freeze. The block title of the error message refers to the software "kACARS". I do not remember installing it. Perhaps it's malware ~:) Are you familiar with kACARS. I fly with Canada Air Virtual AL and use their ACARS software (CavACARS). Thank you and Pete again for the awesome FSUPC software and other utilities for our flight sims... Best regards, Ken Boardman > long time FSUIPC (ab)user My system > Win 7-64, FSX Acceleration,
  3. Thank you for the fast and helpful reply John. I will look for this in the Advanced User Guide. Ken
  4. Hi, Below is an ini profile section to help illustrate my question. In the [Keys.Majestic Q400] sub section (below) what do the "2" and the "6" at the beginning of their lines represent? Thank you, Ken Boardman -------------------------------------------------------------------- [Profile.Majestic Q400] 1=MJC8Q400_QLK 2=MJC8Q400_FEDEX 3=MJC8Q400_POE [Keys.Majestic Q400] 2=86,8,L1:R,0 -{V: Press=Lua VAFS_fake }- 6=86,9,66506,250,8,0 -{shft+V: Press=PANEL_ID_TOGGLE, Release=Custom control: <8> }- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Thank you for the great explanation Pete. I understand, and will stop chasing my tail ~:) I like flying that CS B727 and love the CIVA INS; however their panel features could have been better implemented (IMO). I still miss flying the VMAX B742 with the triple redundant CIVA INS (and realistic fuel management). Would have been nice if VMAX had brought it along to FSX, but alas ............ All the best, Ken
  6. Thank you for helping with this Pete. Both the Overhead panel and the Engineers panel are listed on the FSX Views\New Views\Cockpit pull down menu and I can make them popup / appear when they are selected from there; however I can find no reference to either of them in the Panel.cfg file. The Overhead panel is listed in your post (above) as Code 250, but I cannot get it to pop-up by setting it to Control \ Panel ID Toggle using the FSUIPC Options and Settings "Key Presses Tab". If you can offer any suggestions for something else to try that would be much appreciated. Attached are some screen caps, the B722 panel.cfg and my FSUIPC.ini file. Best regards, Ken panel.cfg FSUIPC4.ini
  7. Hi, I'd like to create a toggle for the subject panel (and the overhead panel) for this aircraft. I believe the overhead panel SDK code is '250"; however I don't know what code to use for the engineer's panel or even if there is a code for it. Ideally I would like to be able to toggle both of these panels open and closed by pressing keys on my CH controllers. I have done this sort of thing before so if my rememberer will cooperate I may be able to do it again if there is a code available for the Engineer's Panel. Best regards Ken Boardman
  8. Thank you for the quick reply and for the MakeRwys information. Best regards, Ken
  9. Ref > My specs are FSX Acceleration running in Win 7-64 The download page recommends MakeRwys Version 4.7.0 for FSX users running in the Win 7 environment. I have been using MakeRwys ver for some months without noticing any obvious problems. Have I been perhaps experiencing problems which aren't so obvious ? ~:) Just trying to ensure that I am getting the best from MakeRwys. Best regards, Ken Boardman
  10. Many thanks for all of the insight and suggestions Pete. The QW plane is quite the (FSX) VAS hog so it doesn't surprise me that it is suspect regarding other issues. I do like to fly the plane though. I will certainly give your suggestions a try. Best regards, Ken
  11. Hi Pete, The error states >> "fsuipc, wait. can't get D008 to change from 32677733 always 32677733" Has only happened two times and I was flying the QW B788 both times so perhaps the plane has something to do with it. Ray told me to contact you ~:) Best regards, Ken
  12. Please see screen cap of the error at the link below. I have not seen this before over my many years of RCV4 usage. I've seen it twice in past three days and afterwards RCV4 stops responding. Has anyone else experienced this who can explain what it means or how to avoid the problem ? I use RCV4 via WideFS with FSX and Win 7-64. It happened while flying the QW B788. https://www.dropbox.com/s/734wrox8wiyj2ld/RCV4 Error.jpg?dl=0 Thank you, Ken Boardman
  13. Well, seems I spoke too soon. Worked great once and then didn't work. So I've set the mini mouse axis to the Rudder control in FSX Controller Setup and for now I'll just live with rudder moving with nose wheel > with luck, in the same direction (and correct direction ~:) Best to all, Ken
  14. It would seem that at some point someone (perhaps even me > face is red now 🤡) had disabled the mini stick axes in the (advanced) FSX Throttle settings. After resetting the CH Throttle axis setting to default, the FSUIPC axis assignment for "Steering Set " worked as normal and it works great ! > NW steering without rudder movement. Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction, and thanks again for the indispensable FSUIPC software. Best to all, Ken
  15. Thank you for all the fast replies and for the helpful tips and advice I always calibrate the controller in CH Manager only Thomas. Attached are the three files you suggested I submit. Will follow up after trying John and Pete's suggestions. Best to all, Ken FSUIPC4.JoyScan.csv FSUIPC4.log FSUIPC4.ini
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