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About Alti

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Thanks for Input, John! Sorry late Reply: NO Propellorplanes in my fleet. PMDG-B737, Justflight BAE146, ATR from John Hartmann,... all planes i am flying will go to the left while taxi. i must set rudder right to hold the line. Is there a chance to set the centerposition a little to right with FSUIPC?
  2. Hello, MSFS, using CHPRODUCTS Pedals; My pedals are calibrated correct via windows10 and works with all programs. But in MSFS i have this troubles: The 0-zone seems not correct. i have calibrated my pedals via FSUPIC for the sim. but when Rudder is centered, then the plane taxi always to the left side. How can i set FSUPC so that my plane taxi straigt forward, not left? i always (all panes in MSFS) must give a little right pedal to hold straight on taxi line. i have tryed also to give right pedal input and set this to center, but did not work. all planes ges to the left, when pedals are centered. thanks for tips. thomas
  3. Hello, in P3Dv4 i have set in "Button&Switches" that when i press a Button, then i select the LUA-Script for my Dash8 Speeds in "Control sent when button pressed. the lua-File was in the modules folder in the sim. this no longer exists. i have copyed the lua-file now into the FSUIPC6 folder, but the sript is not to choose. Where i have to put in the lua-file that i can select it in FSUIPC6 to work with my button. thanks thomas
  4. thank you Pete, but i give up. for me its not easy to understand this english in the document "FSUIPC for advanced users" and for the exampes for a luascript i understand "Bahnhof"; im not an programmer. ("verstehe Bahnhof" ->So we say in german when we understand absolute nothing from)
  5. Hello, i want to use a Button on my Flightstick to 1.st Press: Throttle goes down (hold button for Reverser) when release button then hold actual throttle setting (Reverser not always to max needed) 2.nd press Throttle goes to 0 (reverser out) its possible te realize this for one Button? thanks, Thomas
  6. Hello Pete, what for Future: when the Simulator needs more VAS, then delete more AI´s ? when more VAS for free, more AI´s in the Sim?
  7. Hello, i´m use FSUIPC to control my Stick in the sim. (Axes and buttons) i want to set the "Main Button" and "Secondary Button" on my Stick with FSUIPC. but i can not find "Alternate Static sourece (on/off)" and "propeller sync (on/off)" in the list for Buttons in FSUIPC. im sure that they are in, but in other names? whats the correct names for this in "control send when button pressed"? Thank you!
  8. thank you! i will write the programmer from the script if its possible to make an updated version.
  9. Hello, its not easy to me tis to wirte (Bad englisch) First: i use P3D 2.5.12945.0 an simconnect This script opens an window and i was ask, which flaps i use for start and landing. in my installed version 4939k did this window close from itself, after i input the flaps. whit the latest FSUIPC id did not so. i must close this self. i mean this green window it did not close:
  10. Hello, i have an Lua Script (Freeware for Dash8) loaded, but in latest FSUIPC id did not work korrekt. The Window after Work of this lua did not close... Going back to 4939k. see atachement (sorry im not permitted to upload an lua script?) renamed it into txt.file Q400VSpeeds.txt
  11. Thank you! Reverse Idle: "Throttle set" and parameter -1 works great. on an secound button i have "Throttle derease" with continue so long hold, after "Button realeased" is "throtte cut" for full thrust reverse. works perfect for all landings. Thomas
  12. Hello, one button on my joystick ist free. which setting i must give to set "idle reverse" ? On throttle cut i became idle, but how to get idle with reverser for my PMDG. Thanks for help.
  13. Thank you for Answer!
  14. Hello, i have purchased an copy of Map! with the great plane EMB-EJets2. In E-Jets Map! working great, but in other Addons or FSX-planes i getting an black Map!-window, its not showing any Map! This did not Work getting black window only: [Window18] background_color=16,16,16 size_mm=600,450 window_size_ratio=1.0 position=2 visible=1 ident=12012 zorder=110 gauge00=EFinfo!FINFO, 0, 0, 600, 450 gauge01=EFinfoH!FPL, -20, 0, 10, 10 gauge02=EFinfoH!FPL2, -20, 10, 10, 10 Thanks for Help, Alti.
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