Dear Folks,
Our EMBv3 was compatible with P3D5 with the exception of one plugin we use for the cockpit glass. Until we implement SP2 to receive an update for this plugin from it's developer l, in addition to other aircraft updates, you can enjoy the EMBv3 under initial release of P3D5 (the version prior to Lockheed Martin's service patches) by modifying it a bit:
* Please go to the plane's panel folder and locate the file named "A2A_windshield.dll". Either rename it or remove it (after you made a backup) and the plane will work.
* Also we recommend adjusting the Mipmap VC textures under the Graphics setting.
Please note that Lockheed Martin's recent, late May '20, service patches to version 5 and version 4 of P3D have broken many components to the aircraft simulation. These new incompatibilities are being researched and service patches will be released once solutions are found.
At this time feel their recommends using a pre-May '20 version of P3Dv4.
Thanks for your understanding and patience.
- Vic & feelThere team.