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  1. Thank you guys...now it works!
  2. Many thanks John, unfortunately that hasn't done the job Regards Mike
  3. So does it need ext. focus(h) at the end? What exactly do I type? Then how do I put that in modules folder?
  4. So would the LUA be ext.gethandleP3D.exe ext.focus(h)? sorry I’m new to this! thank you
  5. Hi, Can anyone help with this issue? I'm using multiple monitors with P3D. One main monitor has the P3D running on it and others have addons running in them i.e Fs Flight control, Vatsim, etc. When im working in one of those monitors then they become the "Active" screen and if i then press a key command for then main P3D flight sim it doesn't work as that, at that time, is not the "Active" screen. I have to first move the mouse over to the P3D monitor and click on there. This is a faff on! So my Question is, is there anyway of assigning a button command using FSUIPC to revert back to P3D as the "Active" monitor or is there any other work around? Many thanks for any suggestions Regards
  6. Yes got it now Pete and i'm getting somewhere with it now thank you so much it's a great tool :-)
  7. Sorry that should say above I’m NOW getting a letter in joy stick box!
  8. Ok thought that was going to be too easy! I did as you said and changed the .ini file. I then plugged both boards in to seperate USB ports. I’m not getting a letter in joystick box and when I push a button I get a number as before but obviously I presume matched to this new joystick device? However the same happens now on my original controller too. I thought that would have stayed at 1?? Anyway I then changed the .ini file back to NO thinking all would go back to original but no that’s now showing a letter and I’ve lost my original settings! Could you maybe tell me where I’ve gone wrong or a simple talk through on the method again? thanks
  9. Many thanks for your reply. I’ll give that a go
  10. Hi, Im trying to convert an old Flight Sim Console to use with P3D V4. I need more than 32 buttons. Is it possible for me to use 2 of Leo Bodnar's 32 button boards and configure using FSUIPC? I have succesfully programmed many buttons on one board but when i then connect the other board FSUIPC is just assigning the previous button numbers 1-32. Is there a way of doing this? Thank you
  11. Hi Pete, wonder if you can help me. All the functions of FSUIPC wotk fine but when I click on GPSout the program crashes every time. Any ideas what's happening and how to fix? Many thanks Mike
  12. It takes ages to type and ask questions that could be answered in seconds via the old art of the voice!!.......so no problems i'll sort it other ways. Thanks anyway
  13. Peter is there any chance I could contact off forum you directly on this as I have other questions too that you may be able to help with? Maybe direct email? Thank you Mike
  14. Im flying different gliders in FSX. I wanted to use FSUIPC so that i could fine tune each one as per the real thing. However one is not behaving correctly in certain flight conditions which it done when i only used fsx. My question is how can i have that Glider alone fly using standard FSX settings and leave the others calibrated using FSUIPC or is this not possible? Thanks
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