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About Ruedi

  • Birthday 06/30/1943

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    Kloten Switzerland

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  1. Hi Pete, Sorry about my question, but my native language is German and it is not easy to understand the details in the engl. manual. But yesterday, I found a german tutorial (!) and will try it again. Thanks for your spent time and for ALL your help for so many users!!!! Ruedi
  2. Hi, FSX and FSUIPC, X52. I want to calibrate the throttle axis to the max. values -+16380, but could not transfer the 'set-values' to the 'left windows'. Therefore the power range isn't full size... See pictures below. I try several times and spent a lot of time, no success. Which wrong I make. Thanks for help
  3. Hallo Volker, Danke für die Antwort. (War etwas beschäftigt ; deshalb die späte Antwort.) Gruss Ruedi
  4. Hallo, FSUIPC: Hot keys programmieren. Wie heisst die 'Controlzeile' für 'Sitzhöhe up, down' ie.' ändern? Mein FSX reagiert auf CTRL-Q: da wird der Sitz 'angehoben', sodass ich einen besseren Blick auf die Piste habe. Ich habe die Manuals durchsucht, das diese aber in Englisch sind, komme ich nicht zur Lösung. Danke und Gruss Ruedi
  5. Hi, Thanks for information. I will try to load an 'actual' driver for X52 and to see what will happen. Otherwise, I will let it be. :neutral: Ruedi
  6. Hello, I'm using FSX and FSUIPC 4.927a (registred), with a Saitek X52 and have programmed some buttons, works fine. That means I could programm commands with the 'key presses' option. But if I want to select a joystick-button with the option 'buttons+switches' , there is no way to have a reaction of a button which I want to programm. In other words: if I press a button on my X52, no reaction in FSUIPC windows. What could be wrong? Thanks in advance
  7. Hello Pete, Oh, no, no. Not a question, just an explaination, what I was doing after you answered : "Well, yes, but what was confusing me, and still does, is why you are using key presses for buttons and not just programming the buttons directly." Sorry about this missunderstandig !!! The problem is solved now. Many thanks to you for your help and have a good time. Kind regards Ruedi
  8. First of all. If I have found a solution, why look for others (spent a lot of time to find this one). But I have tried now to programm the buttons, as you meant. CTRL-H for hold the pre selected Heading CTRL-R for hold the actual Speed CTRL-Shift-Z for hold the pre selected Altitude And it works. Listen: I had misunderstood the the descriptions for in FS9. Look above! CTRL-H for hold the pre selected Heading CTRL-R for hold the actual Speed one button hold the preselected value (Heading) , the other one the actual value (Speed). Hope you can follow me :smile: Anyway, it works now and I'm happy with. Regards Ruedi
  9. Hi Pete, Heureka. :smile: I solved the problem with the following key definitions (programmed by FSUIPC Tab 'Key Presses') CTRL-H for AP panel Heading hold CTRL-R for AP panel Speed hold CTRL-Shift-Z for AP panel Altitude hold And in the Saitek profile I have set the button, which I want to use for each command to the corresponding key sequences. (eg. Button 'B' on controller set to CTRL-Shift-Z, button 'Fire' to CTRL-R ...) Thanks for your help :!: :!: Ruedi PS. The difficulty was to find out which description is the right choice (eg. Altitude hold, ..on/off, .. panel hold etc.) Hope you see, what I means.
  10. Hello Pete, Ok. I will try to explain. I want to programm the option 'AP panel Altitude hold on/off' on my joystick Therefore I looked for in FSX for this command choice, but did not find her not, only the AP Altitude hold on/off (CTRL-Z); but with this instruction, the actual height is now the new note for the AP, not the before selected. My target is now : to programm a joystick button for toggle the command 'AP panel Altitude hold on/off'. And I found it on FSUIPC. But I did not find choice, in order to preselect, which control stick button should be used for this instruction (CTRL shift z). I hope you understand my problem. Thanks in advance. Ruedi
  11. Hi, I have FSUIPC (FC), registered, with FSX and Saitek X52. Now I want do programm Button B on X52 with the command 'AP panel Altitude hold' = CTRL+Shift+Z. I use Tab 'Key Presses' to enter the Keycommands (on Keyboard). But it doesn't work. And the selection 'Buttons + Switches' for define which Joystick button for this command is active, means I could use this option. See attached File. I have spent a lot of time do solve this problem, no chance. Thanks for help (My native language is German, therefore sorry for errors :oops: ) Regards Ruedi
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