I am trying to setup the FSL A320 using FSUIPC on the Honeycomb Throttle Quad. The suggested way is using Throttle 1 Set and Throttle 2 Set and then using the various detent zones in the FSL MCDU to set the range for the various selections (CL, TOGA, REV etc.). This worked great with my old CH Products throttle but does not seem to work with the Honeycomb. The Honeycomb axis are reversed and I cannot figure out how to select reverse in FSUIPC with the Throttle Set (Send to FS as Normal Axis) selected.
By setting Throttle set I am getting the full range of motion on the throttles and in the sim, albeit reversed. If I try to use direct to FSUIPC or Throttle Set with Ignore Set on the calibration page then the throttles do work in the right direction but the range is about 60% of the full range of the throttles. The only go from TOGA to about 30% thrust and nothing below.
Any ideas on how to fix this?