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  1. Thanks John, really looking forward to this addition to FSUIPC !!
  2. I have been using FSUIPC for a very long time and as I reflect on where we are in 2025, I wonder if you can add a program that runs the update rather than having us download, unzip and install every time. Almost all other flightsim addons now have an update program that user can run to easily update programs. Thanks for considering this request.
  3. Thanks John, yes it is on complex addons where I usually run into strange issues with the FSUIPC Calibration method...a recent example being the PMDG 737 for MSFS on just some axis.
  4. Which is the better way to go when assigning a new axis? I think the manual says the FSUIPC Calibration method is preferred and sending to FS as a normal axis is an older method. I have found at times the normal axis seems to work better but really not sure what the difference is, can someone elaborate on this ?
  5. John, one question for you. this is a new Honeycomb Bravo Throttle quad. I noticed after messing about for a while trying to get this to work that on Throttle #1 the range goes from -16383 to Zero in the movement space of about 2 millimetres. Then the rest of the movement travels smoothly from zero to 16383. the other throttle axis all travel through the full range. Is there something I can do to try and reset the numbers range or do you think this is a defective pot that I have received. It was not doing this when I first got it so I think the pot should be ok.
  6. Someone on the FSL forums posted this and it worked. I needed to add this to the fsuipc.ini [JoystickCalibration.Fslabs] ... UseAxisControlsForNRZ=Yes
  7. I am trying to setup the FSL A320 using FSUIPC on the Honeycomb Throttle Quad. The suggested way is using Throttle 1 Set and Throttle 2 Set and then using the various detent zones in the FSL MCDU to set the range for the various selections (CL, TOGA, REV etc.). This worked great with my old CH Products throttle but does not seem to work with the Honeycomb. The Honeycomb axis are reversed and I cannot figure out how to select reverse in FSUIPC with the Throttle Set (Send to FS as Normal Axis) selected. By setting Throttle set I am getting the full range of motion on the throttles and in the sim, albeit reversed. If I try to use direct to FSUIPC or Throttle Set with Ignore Set on the calibration page then the throttles do work in the right direction but the range is about 60% of the full range of the throttles. The only go from TOGA to about 30% thrust and nothing below. Any ideas on how to fix this?
  8. Does anyone have a working setup they can post. I have tried to setup as normal axis but the range stops at the idle fuel with nothing in the reverse range. Maybe if I copy and paste another setup I can calibrate it to work with the reversers.
  9. I loaded up a new model of the PMDG 737 that I had not used before and went into the Axis Assignments tab to assign the aircraft from my list. I accidentally assigned the wrong aircraft and I have no idea how to change it to the correct profile. The checkbox is greyed out and there does not seem to be a way to modify my selection. Thanks!
  10. I think this was the result of an unstable overclock. Once I reverted back to stock settings everything worked properly again.
  11. FSUIPC 5.122 or 5.123c will either not show up at all in the menu for P3D v4.2 or if it is there I cannot open it up. Any ideas?
  12. Thank you Thomas, this worked. I was connected to two different Workgroups. In case anyone else has this problem you can check by clicking on START, then right click on Computer (or This PC in Windows 10). Properties and then check that the Workgroup is the same for both PC's. You can change settings as needed. Once I did this everything worked properly.
  13. Also just checked both firewalls on each machine and both have an exception for WideFS.
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