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  1. I found it. The log helped. I was able to refer to a controls list for p3d for that code 65602 throttle decrease and saw in the log it was being sent by button 20. I then located a button 20 on my honeycomb alpha as my beacon on and went into FSUIPC and saw that was somehow mapped to throttle decrease and was repeating the command to decrease my throttle beyond neutral into reverse thrust. All fixed now. Sorry to have posted.
  2. Good Morning Mr. Dawson, Thank you for your amazing products. I've been using them since landing at Megis back in the day and they are essential and I'm happy to register my versions.I'm using 7 for MSFS as well but my current problem is with p3dv5 and I'm not sure its FSUIPC at all. This seems to have happened out of nowhere but whatever aircraft I load it begins with the thrust reverse being spammed to full reverse. I can counteract it by holding down f4 or f1 but the second I let them up the reversers re-engage. I can even take off and climb but again once I lay off pressing down the throttle the reverse thrust happens which is needless to say not a safe way to fly 🙂 I had been using a logitech yoke, got a honeycomb alpha about a month ago. My logitech throttle was unfortunately the kind that has the odd attachment (non usb) so I've had to unplug the whole unit and use the keyboard for my throttle for now. I do know some folks have configured keys on the alpha for throttle but I haven't tried that. I read on here before posting that uninstalling fsuipc would not necessarily solve anything as the ini filed are there still. If there is a way to suspend it for a trial I'd try that but as I said I'm not even sure it's FSUIPC as I've checked the settings and there is nothing in there I can see activating the throttle, much less reverse thrust. I do see a line in the log that has me suspicious but I'm also wondering if it's capturing me manually trying to over-ride the reverse thrust. I know you will know instantly. The log is attached and I appreciate your help. David Rondeau FSUIPC6.1.log
  3. Wow! So impressed and grateful @EliGrim - Thank you so much for the hard work you put into these and the generosity to share them with us.
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