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Hi Pete

I am an avid user of FSUIPC and WifdeFS having purchased both shortly after purchasing and loading FS9.

I like the new upgraded version of Trafficlook.

I was wondering if you havre any plans to provide the data in a format similar to AiView (the plotter used in FS2002). AiView was a very useful add-on to visually represent the positions of AI and is one thing sorely missed in FS9.


Andy Brockbank

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I was wondering if you havre any plans to provide the data in a format similar to AiView (the plotter used in FS2002). AiView was a very useful add-on to visually represent the positions of AI and is one thing sorely missed in FS9.

Sorry, I'm not really into making applications programs. TrafficLook and WeatherSet are just basic programs, not clever at all, originally designed to let me test the facilities in FSUIPC. I release them as useful little things but that's about it really. The recent changes reflect changes in FSUIPC rather than any real developments in TrafficLook.

There are of course a number of TCAS type graphical gauges and displays available, and the new TrafficBoard for FS2004 will show AI traffic around your selected airport.

There will be an AI toolkit provided by Microsoft themselves soon (well, I hope it is soon -- I thought it was ready a long time ago, but it hasn't surfaced yet). I am not allowed to say much about it, I'm afraid, but suffice to say I don't think you'll be disappointed. :wink:



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If you do amend Trafficlook at any time in the future there's a minor bug in the way it displays the 'From' and 'To' airports in the ground traffic display. An aircraft arriving at an airport will continue to display the same data for from and to, even after clearance to the new destination and during taxiing for take-off. Once airborne, if you switch the display to airborne traffic only it correctly displays the new data.


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If you do amend Trafficlook at any time in the future there's a minor bug in the way it displays the 'From' and 'To' airports in the ground traffic display. An aircraft arriving at an airport will continue to display the same data for from and to, even after clearance to the new destination and during taxiing for take-off. Once airborne, if you switch the display to airborne traffic only it correctly displays the new data.

This is not a bug in TrafficLook, which can only display the information it is given. It appears to be the way FS works.

The data TrafficLook shows is the data FSUIPC is supplying it which is obtained from FS.



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