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Good evening.

The best is the ennemy of the better!

First I was running FS2002 on a win98SE+FSUIPC+WideFS and Project Magenta on a strong machine with XP Pro and Radeon 9700+1500RAMDDR.

Today, I decided to keep the memories and the VGA card for FS2002 and FS9 and switch back the Project Magenta on the win98SE.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: It does not work anymore! I have tried all I could, read for hours on the forums, the read me files etc but no reults.

Why does it works on win98SE to XP and not XP to win98SE???

What and where am I doing wrong?

Always says wait for clients and on the other one wait for a connection.

Any suggestions are most welcomed tonight here +7!

Thanks for your kind attention.

All programs are registered ones.

Jean Paul Reuland

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Why does it works on win98SE to XP and not XP to win98SE???

What and where am I doing wrong?

Always says wait for clients and on the other one wait for a connection.

The answers would be easier if I could see what WideFS was saying. Check the WideServer LOG and the WideClient LOG. Those are files produced to tell you what is going on.

If there's no connection at all the most likely problem is that you have not told the Client the name of the Server (if using TCP/IP) or the ServerNode (if using IPX/SPX).

If you are trying to use IPX/SPX then you may get problems in any case with a mixed network of XP and 98SE systems. At least I could never sort mine out , it didn't work properly till I changed to TCP/IP only.



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