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WideFS and TeamSpeak

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As IVAO is replacing RW (Roger Wilco) By Teamspeak, How to Program Push-to-Talk functions in WideClient.ini files using the equivalent of

KeySendX=RWon or KeySendY=RWOff. I tried a lot of combinations of Class,"Window title" without success.

Thanks for any information.


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As IVAO is replacing RW (Roger Wilco) By Teamspeak, How to Program Push-to-Talk functions in WideClient.ini files using the equivalent of KeySendX=RWon or KeySendY=RWOff. I tried a lot of combinations of Class,"Window title" without success.

Thanks for any information.

Sorry, I don't know TeamSpeak. I thought Advanced Voice Client (AVC) was the "new" Roger Wilco, and that supports the same PTT mechanism as RW so works with the provisions made in FSUIPC and WideClient.

You'll have to ask the authors of TeamSpeak what they are doing about their PTT support. Sorry.



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AVC is the 'new' Roger Wilco on VATSIM (it is Roger Wilco compatible). TeamSpeak is a different program entirely, which I understand IVAO have now moved to.

TeamSpeak do not, as far as I know, provide an interface for controlling the PTT. However, I found a way of doing this, the details of which I have now sent to Pete.

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AVC is the 'new' Roger Wilco on VATSIM (it is Roger Wilco compatible). TeamSpeak is a different program entirely, which I understand IVAO have now moved to.

Oh, right. I also think that Squawkbox 3, in development, might actually be standardising on AVC integration. Maybe IVAO will be changing again, then?

TeamSpeak do not, as far as I know, provide an interface for controlling the PTT. However, I found a way of doing this, the details of which I have now sent to Pete.

Thank you. I have just seen and reviewed them. I am a little worried about how very implementation dependent this might be, and it probably wouldn't work on a foreign translation of the TeamSpeak program. Perhaps it would be something I'd consider adding in the New year, though I would like to see a more long term solution, really.

In any case, your information has arrived just after I have frozen the last version of FSUIPC for 2003, another relatively minor one wihch is being released today as 3.135.

Please, let's try to resolve the TeamSpeak question in the New year. For now I am not doing more developments in 2003.

Best regards,


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  • 1 month later...

any news about sending a key stroke for Teamspeak..through widefs to another pc.?

WideFS can already produce keystrokes for you, using the KeySend facility. You can program a KeySend in FSUIPC's Keys or Buttons page on the Server -- assign a KeySend number as parameter when you do. then in the WideClient.ini file you assign to that KeySend number a keystroke. If you get Wideclient to load the program for you it is easier to get it to direct the keystroke to the right window -- e.g. if you rim the program as "Run1= ..." ypu just add ",Run1" to the KeSend parameter, after the keystroke definition.



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Ok Pete I have to admit that once again after going through all the widefs and fsuipc documentation..I need help

My steps:

I used the option and on the FSUIPC Button menu I asked it to have Ch Yoke Button #9 (assigned to nothing else) with the option for FScontrol and "control sent"= Keysend 1-255

with parameter =1

not to be repeated when held

and the same thing for control sent when button is released

with parameter =2

On the client pc on which I have teamspeak, I have adjusted the set to key as INSERT which is coded 45 as virtual keycode

then on the wideclient ini (which connects fine...from the server so no com errors)

I have the following on the user section







Ofcourse nothing happens....

I cant get teamspeak assigned as a push to talk key something like :Shift + A ita takes only The FISRT key (in that case shift)

so I dont know if the use of 8 and 16 is corect (as the example on the docs,which id from what I undrerstood used for press and release exactly as teamspeak works...)

and do I have to put the RUN1 to both keysend?

so how does it know when to press and when to release

or do I have to put on the fsuipc

control to repeat while held??

Sorry but I tried on my own and didnt get there

FSUIPC and WIDEFS are registered both

Thanks in advance

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I dont know if the use of 8 and 16 is corect (as the example on the docs

Actually they are wrong. There's no actual example like that in the docs. The relevant section is this:

Shift state + 8 to Press the key

Shift state + 16 to Release the key

For example

KeySend1=65,17 ; Shift+A press

KeySend2=65,25 ; Shift+A release

Your 8 should be 16 (shift state 8 + 8 to press), and

your 16 should be 24 (shift state 8 + 16 to release).

Try it.

and do I have to put the RUN1 to both keysend?

Yes, it needs to know for both. They are completely indpendent events as far as Wideclient is concerned.

so how does it know when to press and when to release

or do I have to put on the fsuipc

control to repeat while held??

No. You program FSUIPC to send KeySend1 when pressed and KeySend2 when released, right? So WideClient does the KeySend1 action when it sees the KeySend1, and the KeySend2 action when it sees the KeySend2. Isn't that logical?

The KeySend mechanism is just a message. The message is the parameter 1-255. What happens in the client as a result of the message is no concern to FSUIPC, and how FSUIPC got hold of this to send is no concern of WideClient.

If it still doesn't work, then I've really no idea I'm afraid. It will be something in the way TeamSpeak is programmed. This was a problem with Roger Wilco as well, at least one of the versions. In order to send the keystrokes WideClient uses the keyboard playback facilities in Windows. These effectively emulate what programs see as a result of Windows keyboard event processing -- in other words, messages telling the program that such and such a key is down or up, or such and such a character is received.

I suspect that the program is not using normal Windows keyboard input procedures. Maybe it is polling the keyboard and getting its "real state". If so there's no way I know of to fool it. Maybe there's a way of hooking into Windows lower down, to look like a keyboard, but it is very complex and not something I know about or want to get into really.

As a last resort you could try setting "PostKeys=Yes" in the INI, but I really can't hold out much hope in that direction.



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  • 2 weeks later...

latest news...I tried everything...and even tried postkeys=yes

and though I SEE that teampeak is receiving the key press ( i put f10 for push to talk and goes to connection menu(like file menu) and keeps on pushing..it!!! BUT NO LUCK with the actual push button...in order to transmit...it refuses to recognise it as the one to talk although its set !!!

Will try to post on the teamspeak forum about it...

just for the record Keysend through widefs and goflight modules worked great...!!!!!!!wih I had more modules!!!so now I AM SURE I DONT DO SOMETHING WRONG!!!!so I guess its about the keycode input that ts is using!!

will try to find out...any ideas are welcome..!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in replying -- I've been on holiday with no Internet access. I'm just trying to catch up with an enormous backlog now!

latest news...I tried everything...and even tried postkeys=yes and though I SEE that teampeak is receiving the key press ( i put f10 for push to talk and goes to connection menu(like file menu) and keeps on pushing..it!!! BUT NO LUCK with the actual push button...in order to transmit...it refuses to recognise it as the one to talk although its set !!!

It sounds, then, that they are doing something like testing the "async" state of they key, to see if it is still pressed, rather than simply waiting for the KEY_UP message. I'm afraid I don't know how to deal with that. I think it has to be down at a deeper level in Windows, to "fool" the Keyboard driver. Ugh!



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