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FS9 - Destination and Departure ATIS Range and Accuracy

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In FS2K2, I found that FS ATIS on departure at least did not pay attention to runway permissions modified with AFCAD.

I read your annoucement and SDK portion regarding using current AI status history within 80 nm of the destination and making that available for application developers to determine destination traffic patterns and therefore active runways.

Now in AdvDisplay you can capture ATIS info to display. My question is, can that text be made available for parsing to determine active runways to cover the condition for airports where AI is not currently active. Do you know how far from destination that can be obtained by a developer in the background listening on the destination frequency with an appropriate interface?

That could be an adjunct to your current airport AI status feature.

Just another idea to throw around.

Also, once FS9 pays more attention to modified runway permissions, I wonder if ATIS info will follow it.

Great job and I am looking forward to jd's announced implementations in RC 4.

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In FS2K2, I found that FS ATIS on departure at least did not pay attention to runway permissions modified with AFCAD.

Well, FS2004 certainly doesn't, but I always found FS2002 to be pretty obedient.

Now in AdvDisplay you can capture ATIS info to display. My question is, can that text be made available for parsing to determine active runways to cover the condition for airports where AI is not currently active.

You could try parsing the text. It is provided in FSUIPC offsets if AdvDisplay is running. The "ShowText" utility packaged with AdvDisplay makes use of this to move the text.

Do you know how far from destination that can be obtained by a developer in the background listening on the destination frequency with an appropriate interface?

I've not really experimented with the range of COM frequencies in FS, sorry. You'd need to try that yourself.

Also, once FS9 pays more attention to modified runway permissions, I wonder if ATIS info will follow it.

FS9 seems to pay scant or no attention whatsoever to runway permissions, at least those set by AFCAD2. I don't know if this is FS9's problem or AFCAD's. Do you have more inforamtion on this?



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Pre-SDK release, it seemed to be the consensus on the AFCAD forums at ProjectAI that most runway privileges had effect when:

1. The same privileges were extended to both ends of the runway.

2. Runway privileges only seemed to affect parallel runway operation, i.e. Left for TO and Right for Landing.

At KMSP with two parallel and one cross, in FS9 I tried to set the cross for TO only (it is not exactly perpendicular to the parallels so it can be "safe") and the two parallels landing only. If the wind favored the cross AI landed on it anyway.

Now that some SDKs have been released, perhaps we will have more control.

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