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Hi Pete,

Yes its me again with the annoying PDMG SDK questions!

I just received an email from Lefteris at PDMG replying to a question I had asked about the SDK. He tells me that there about to release the SDK for Beta testing.

Would you be interested in adding PDMG's 737 like you did with PM ?

Thanks for all your help over the past few months and have a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. Hope Santa bring you something you want! :)

Kind Regards,


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Would you be interested in adding PDMG's 737 like you did with PM ?

It depends on (a) what the interface is like, whether I consider it usable in the same way, and (b) how it is to be financed. I understood that the SDK may not be free, in which case if I enable folks to bypass it by simple assignments in FSUIPC the PMDG folks will either be upset with me, or need to collect for FSUIPC usage too.

I cannot possible comment further until I've seen the SDK and the details are made public.



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