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FSUIPC Access Error

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To whom this may concern,

I had just re-installed FS2k2, and re-downloaded the FSUIPC.dll (v3.135) and when I ran Squawk Box, I got this error:

FSUIPC Access Error!

One or more programs you are using is not accredited for access to an unregistered copy of FSUIPC. Please see the FSUIPC.LOG for details.

When I went back into the FSUIPC folder I had extracted, I read the FSUIPC User Guide.doc and noticed that I have to have a registration key. I have never had this problem in the past...I believe the last version I had was the 2.35 or something, but I know it was free. I could not find any past versions of FSUIPC on the simflight webpage provided by VATSIM. I am wondering how I would get past this error so I can get flying online again.


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I am wondering how I would get past this error so I can get flying online again.

Please refer to the FSUIPC documentation, which you will find in the FSUIPC.ZIP file you downloaded. This tells you all about this stuff.

As Squawkbox is freeware it gets free access to FSUIPC, but as the current version is older than FSUIPC 3 it doesn't have an access key built in. However, if you look further up the list of messages here in the Forum you will finmd a "sticky" one about Freeware Keys. The key for Squawkbox is listed there.

You will also see several other 'announcements' which will tell you a lot more about what has happened since you last came across FSUIPC.



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