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Ummm, PFC is FUBAR again...


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Pete, this ain't the time, Christmas and all, but there is another problem.

FS2K4 crashes when I switch times, planes, whatever, with the PFC.DLL loaded.

It's bad.

Here is the error message:

AppName: fs9.exe AppVer: ModName: weather.dll

ModVer: Offset: 00011812

Here is a snip from the log file:



InitDelay: 0 seconds



2328 System time = 00:08:51

2328 \\IGRAINNE\IGRAINNE ©\Flight Simulator 9\

2328 System time = 00:08:51, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)

5984 C:\Documents and Settings\William Cullen\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files\Beverly.flt

6187 AIRCRAFT\Flight One PA-28\PA-28-181.air

22469 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

22469 Traffic File #17 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic030528"

55828 ClearWeather Button Pressed

56875 WeatherOptions set, now 6018B72D (timer=0)

57109 ***ERROR C0000005 at 21132556 ChainedProcFF

57109 *** Access violation trying to read address 00000004

57109 *** EAX 0171FF90 EBX 00000000 ECX 00000000 EDX 0171FF90 EDI 0000000E ESI 0176E804

57109 Stack -1 (01761F50) = 0042CB71, Bad=N

57109 Stack -2 (04D6DA78) = 00000002, Bad=Y

57109 Stack -3 (6E69614D) = 6E615020, Bad=Y

57109 ***ERROR C0000005 at 21132556 ChainedProcFF

57109 *** Access violation trying to read address 00000004

57109 *** EAX 0171FF90 EBX 00000000 ECX 00000000 EDX 0171FF90 EDI 0000000E ESI 0176E804

57109 Stack -1 (01850AD8) = 0042CB71, Bad=N

57109 Stack -2 (01850B88) = 00000005, Bad=Y

57109 Stack -3 (61666544) = 20746C75, Bad=N

57156 ***ERROR C0000005 at 21132556 ChainedProcFF

57156 *** Access violation trying to read address 00000004

57156 *** EAX 0171FF90 EBX 00000000 ECX 00000000 EDX 0171FF90 EDI 0000000E ESI 0176E804

57156 Stack -1 (01761F50) = 0042CB71, Bad=N

57156 Stack -2 (04D6DA78) = 00000002, Bad=Y

57156 Stack -3 (6E69614D) = 6E615020, Bad=Y

57156 ***ERROR C0000005 at 21132556 ChainedProcFF

57156 *** Access violation trying to read address 00000004

57156 *** EAX 0171FF90 EBX 00000000 ECX 00000000 EDX 0171FF90 EDI 0000000E ESI 0176E804

57156 Stack -1 (01850AD8) = 0042CB71, Bad=N

57156 Stack -2 (01850B88) = 00000005, Bad=Y

57156 Stack -3 (61666544) = 20746C75, Bad=N

57187 ***ERROR C0000005 at 21132556 ChainedProcFF

57187 *** Access violation trying to read address 00000004

57187 *** EAX 0171FF90 EBX 00000000 ECX 00000000 EDX 0171FF90 EDI 0000000E ESI 0176E804

57187 Stack -1 (01761F50) = 0042CB71, Bad=N

57187 Stack -2 (04D6DA78) = 00000002, Bad=Y

57187 Stack -3 (6E69614D) = 6E615020, Bad=Y

57187 ***ERROR C0000005 at 21132556 ChainedProcFF

57187 *** Access violation trying to read address 00000004

57187 *** EAX 0171FF90 EBX 00000000 ECX 00000000 EDX 0171FF90 EDI 0000000E ESI 0176E804

57187 Stack -1 (01850AD8) = 0042CB71, Bad=N

57187 Stack -2 (01850B88) = 00000005, Bad=Y

57187 Stack -3 (61666544) = 20746C75, Bad=N

57234 ***ERROR C0000005 at 21132556 ChainedProcFF

57234 *** Access violation trying to read address 00000004

Pete, I just spent the last four hours trying variations on a theme to rule stupid things out, but the bottom line is that FSUIPC and PFC are no longer getting along. I ONLY get the crashes when the PFC driver is loaded.

EVERY time the sim crashes, I get the weather message.

A clue, I presume.

hey, Merry Christmas!


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Pete, this ain't the time, Christmas and all, but there is another problem.

FS2K4 crashes when I switch times, planes, whatever, with the PFC.DLL loaded.

Sorry, I cannot reproduce that here at all. There are no other reports, and the only change in the recent release of PFC was to correct the way it saves and reloads User Config quadrant names. Please review the history of changes near the end of the PFC DLL user guide.

It is probably nothing specifically to do with PFC -- the loading of an additional module merely changes some of the memory arrangements, and the order of chained calls from FS's main routines. As it is crashing in the Weather DLL it could also be down to a corrupt WX related file.

The FSUIPC log shows things going badly wrong long before you change an aircraft or anything like it:

55828 ClearWeather Button Pressed

56875 WeatherOptions set, now 6018B72D (timer=0)

57109 ***ERROR C0000005 at 21132556 ChainedProcFF

57109 *** Access violation trying to read address 00000004

57109 *** EAX 0171FF90 EBX 00000000 ECX 00000000 EDX 0171FF90 EDI 0000000E ESI 0176E804

It seems that as soon as anything is done with the weather, as here, near the start, FS is crashing in WEATHER.DLL (the address 21132556 is in that module). It only happens to be caught and logged by FSUIPC here because FSUIPC is making the call to it. In your final FS crash it isn't caught by FSUIPC, that is the only difference.

I cannot really do anything about this in any case now until next week. The log you show certainly looks as if it should be useful, but please temporarily add IPC read/write and "extras" logging, close FS, reaload and run to the crash, then send me the resulting complete log (not a snippet). Best to include the PFC.INI and the FSUIPC.INI also, Zip them and send to petedowson@btconnect.com. I also want confirmation of the VERSION numbers of my modules you are using. Please don't just say "latest" as folks have different ideas to what that means!

Please also detail more about what you have loaded and running at the time, and anything non-standard about any of your aircraft.

Incidentally, I do take objection to your subject line. :( PFC is definitely not "FUBAR" now, nor was it before! That's a most unfair accusation and not really likely to engender my most enthusiastic reaction. As I say, I will do my best to help, but guests for Christmas are here now, and then we are out at relatives for several days for the Christmas period. Send more details (including version numbers, FSUIPC ini, PFC ini as well please), and I'll try to find out what is going on when I get back.

Oh, as well as your current version numbers it would be useful to know what you've changed recently, and what the version numbers were when you were last happy. Since you also seem to think you had a previous version of PFC that was "FUBAR" kindly identify that version too and tell me why you thought it was such, as there's not been reports of any PFC crashes that I recall.

Also, in case it is a corrupt weather file, try deleting or moving or renaming your FS9.CFG file, or at least deleting the WX file associated with your default Flight. Save a new one if it loads successfully without any of those error entries in the FSUIPC log. Other files which can cause WEATHER DLL crashes are those in the Weather subfolder in FS, but unless you can find these on your FS2004 installs CDs I assume you'd need to re-install FS to fix them.



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I'm sorry about the poor choice of subject line in the starting post. Should have give it a bit more thought.

I'll write something up with all the version info and send it on to you with the assiciated logs and ini files.

I think you may be on to something with the wx file for the saved flight. Let me see if I can first duplicate the error (logged) and then I'll ditch the wx file and start fresh.

On another note, things seem to go weird when I add a new airplane. Everything is fine until I set options on the PFC setup menu. If I load pfc without an ini file (fresh install) and do nothing except set the com port, things seem to work fine. Only after setting options/preferences.

Anyway, I am sorry about my subject wording.

Merry Christmas and all the best to you and yours,


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I'll write something up with all the version info and send it on to you with the assiciated logs and ini files.

Okay, but please forgive any delay in my reponse. I *might* be able to get to it on the weekend, but more likely next Monday or so.

On another note, things seem to go weird when I add a new airplane. Everything is fine until I set options on the PFC setup menu. If I load pfc without an ini file (fresh install) and do nothing except set the com port, things seem to work fine. Only after setting options/preferences.

No idea what that could be at all off-hand, sorry. Perhaps more details? Later though.



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