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Project Magenta issue using WideFS

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Hi Pete - long time no speak.

I wonder if you can help - I'm using the latest versions of FSUIPC and WideFS with Project Magenta and I'm getting problems with the V-Speeds updating from the CDU to the PFD (they don't stay in sync when I lower flaps - they lag behind but the pattern varies).

I have checked the logs on your software components and the only one with error messages is the Wideclient one (see attached). Have you any idea what is wrong here ?.

Many thanks

David Cox

********* WideClient.DLL Log [version 6.101] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 28/12/03, Time 16:47:49.484: Client name is XEON

312 Attempting to connect now

6875 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10051] Network is unreachable

6890 Ready to try connection again

6937 Attempting to connect now

94922 Connection made okay!

105172 Connection closed by server!

105187 Ready to try connection again

105218 Attempting to connect now

105234 Connection made okay!

264218 New Client Application: "CDUDemo" (Id=1108)

372015 New Client Application: "MCPDemo" (Id=776)

431953 New Client Application: "GCDemo" (Id=432)

2095515 WRITESTATEDATA received with bad data size!

2095515 1500 ReadLocal: Offset=2F03DD4, Size=1A10

2658422 1813 ReadLocal: Offset=2F03DD4, Size=2310

3852234 3516 ReadLocal: Offset=2F03DD4, Size=3610

4121281 1750 ReadLocal: Offset=2F03DD4, Size=3A10

5358359 Connection closed by server!

5358375 Ready to try connection again

5358422 Attempting to connect now

5493453 Connection made okay!

5578781 WRITESTATEDATA received with bad data size!

5578781 94 ReadLocal: Offset=60000000, Size=4747

5793422 Connection closed by server!

5793422 Ready to try connection again

5793453 Attempting to connect now

7230109 Connection made okay!

7241453 New Client Application: "cdu" (Id=692)

7349359 New Client Application: "MCP" (Id=752)

7369250 GetRecv() missed block? Sequence 3283 jumped to 3285

7369843 New Client Application: "pfd" (Id=672)

10142437 Connection closed by server!

10142468 Ready to try connection again

10142484 Attempting to connect now

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I have checked the logs on your software components and the only one with error messages is the Wideclient one (see attached). Have you any idea what is wrong here ?.


2095515 WRITESTATEDATA received with bad data size!

2095515 1500 ReadLocal: Offset=2F03DD4, Size=1A10

2658422 1813 ReadLocal: Offset=2F03DD4, Size=2310

3852234 3516 ReadLocal: Offset=2F03DD4, Size=3610

4121281 1750 ReadLocal: Offset=2F03DD4, Size=3A10


5578781 WRITESTATEDATA received with bad data size!

5578781 94 ReadLocal: Offset=60000000, Size=4747

7369250 GetRecv() missed block? Sequence 3283 jumped to 3285

It looks like you are getting occasional garbage on this connection -- this could be a LAN driver problem, but it could equally be a bad cable, bad connection or faulty network card.

However, I doubt whether these odd few errors would give you any consistent lag in specific values being updated. Quite honestly I don't even know whether the V-speeds are updated through WideFS and FSUIPC or directly via the NetDir files mechanism PM uses. You really need to chat to the PM folks. Try the Newsgroup.



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Thanks for your advice - I've now switched to TCP/IP (from IPX) and I no longer get any error messages in the log files for your modules - I think this points to a problem with the IPX drivers on my system - do you agree ?

It's a shame because Project Magenta seems to update more smoothly from FS2004 when I use IPX.

Anyway, the V-speed problem still exists so it's obviously nothing to do with your modules

Many thanks


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Thanks for your advice - I've now switched to TCP/IP (from IPX) and I no longer get any error messages in the log files for your modules - I think this points to a problem with the IPX drivers on my system - do you agree ?

Possibly -- IPX/SPX should be okay with a 100% Win98SE set up. If you are using WinXP or WinMe I'd be very suspicious of IPX/SPX in any case.

It's a shame because Project Magenta seems to update more smoothly from FS2004 when I use IPX.

Smoothness shouldn't be a problem with TCP/IP, unless you have too much of the server processing time being hogged by FS, not allowing the (certainly less efficient) TCP/IP stuff to operate. Try reducing the FS frame rate limiter more.

Anyway, the V-speed problem still exists so it's obviously nothing to do with your modules

I hope you find the answer.



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