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I'm developing a PA-28 simulator and all thats missing is a visual system. I have a host aero model, nav-aids, separate instructor station computer, moving map/GPS computers. All I need is a decent low cost image generator. I was quite impressed with FS 2002/2004 visuals. My question is there someway I can set up FS to provide a pure out the window screen, (eyeppoint) and stimulate it from a separate host computer via ethernet data packets. Data such at aircraft position, attitude, weather effects, airfield lighting, TCAS, etc would be encoded in the host and sent to the visual computer. The FS based visual would return data such as Height above terrain, collision detection, laser ranging, etc.

Basically, I want to use FS as a visual system just like the big fkight sims do. I would love to work on something like this if it has not been done already as I do this for a living for the big sim companies. Why can't FS be used as a visual system stimulated by an outside host? This would also reduce the computational overhead by turnong off all the other stuff to make it a true 30/60 hz system. Thoughts?



My question is there someway I can set up FS to provide a pure out the window screen, (eyeppoint) and stimulate it from a separate host computer via ethernet data packets. Data such at aircraft position, attitude, weather effects, airfield lighting, TCAS, etc would be encoded in the host and sent to the visual computer. The FS based visual would return data such as Height above terrain, collision detection, laser ranging, etc.

You can make FS respond to external positioning in one of two ways -- either as an observer in a multiplayer connection (where it thinks it is connected to another FS doing the flying and is participating only as an observing passenger), or through an interface like FSUIPC manipulating the six degrees of freedom (LLAPBH -- latitude, longitude, altitude, pitvh, bank and roll).

For the former you need to look at the Microsoft multiplayer SDK. For FSUIPC check the FSUIPC SDK (http://www.schiratti.com/dowson).

Why can't FS be used as a visual system stimulated by an outside host?

It has been done. There's already a program doing it for the Aerowinx PS1 Precision Simulator for a 744, and I'm sure others are doing it or in the process. Additionally there's a program called WidevieW which links multiple copies of FS together for multiple display views, and that uses similar techniques (not multiplayer).




Thank you Pete,

Its exactly the answer I was looking for. I least now I know I'm not totally insane.....yet. I'll check out the the references you gave me. My goal is to publish a formal "ICD", (Interface Control Document) For FS in Visual only mode for others use if they're so inclined. This document would be similar to that of the Evans & Sutherlands, Quantum3D, etc, manufacturers of FAA certifiable visual systems.

I like the FSUIPC route as I'm getting pretty comfortable with it, ie a list of host variables to be encoded/scaled into something that FS understands. Primarily i'm interested in Aircraft position/attitude, weather, airfield lighting, animations/special effects that are currently activated via keyboard. These paremeters would be sent from either the host computer or the IOS, (Instructor Operator Station).

I anyone would like to join me in this effort, perhaps we could do a separate forum?




Buzz, i might be interested.

can you tell me a bit more about yourself and your company, and what your goal for this is ?

you can email it to "wim at aerosimulators dot com" (i'm spelling this because i dont want no spam)

Kind Regards,


You can make FS respond to external positioning in one of two ways -- either as an observer in a multiplayer connection (where it thinks it is connected to another FS doing the flying and is participating only as an observing passenger), or through an interface like FSUIPC manipulating the six degrees of freedom (LLAPBH -- latitude, longitude, altitude, pitvh, bank and roll).


As you may remember, I'm working on a program attempting to re-create an actual flight (recorded in a GPS track log) in the simulator (a "GPSin", if you will). My program currently does this by producing a MS Flight Video (.FSR) file which it then delivers to the simulator.

This seems to work OK, but the playback is a bit choppy, and there are some other problems which I'm hoping to solve by using FSUIPC.

Using the method you suggested above (e.g., "manipulating the six degrees of freedom" using FSUIPC), what can I expect in terms of performance? For instance, can/will the simulator show a smooth transition as it "flies" through the LLAPBH values I set? How many values should I set per second for optimal performance (my underlying data stream typically represents one datum per second)? Also, I read something about needing to use "Slew" mode when setting LAT/LON; this doesn't sound good - any comments?

I'm also thinking about new things that I could do given the ability to "read" environmental cues from the simulator (as I could do with FSUIPC). For example, if I can get windspeed and direction then I can more accurately calculate heading (e.g. crab into the wind). Or perhaps more importantly, I could avoid "ground encounters" and other anomalies I'm currently experiencing due to not knowing the altitude of the ground at the current LAT/LON position (such as taking off from several feet underneath a runway, or banking during taxiing turns).

I'd appreciate any ideas from you about how I could best use FSUIPC to effect a great result for my purpose.

And, thanks again for all of your support and for the great bridge to MSFS!

-- Marty

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