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really a problem with FSUIPC, do you have an idea ?

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Hello Pete,

it´s me again. I think, I really have a problem with FSUIPC. Here the storie:

My simu did not work (I wrote you), after 1/2Hour it stopped: (Panel.dll, weather.dll).

Now I reinstalled everything and started from beginning on. 1GB-Ram und FS9 only. Worked. Flights 3* for 20hours was no problem. Then I installed the Go-Flight products (alltogether 14 parts) and tested again over 6 days. No problems in 20Hour flights, everywhere oh the world. (I just programmed the autopilot and let the plane fly.

At last I installed FSUIPC and WIDEFS with reg.key yesterday evening. After 1/2Hour the same problems written at the beginning. I tried a second time->shut down after 3/4 hour, weather.dll. I renamed FSUIPC and WIDEFS and started a new flight. It´s now flying without problems for 3 hours. Do you have an idea what it can be ? Maybe it´s only in computers with go-flight modules? I took the newest versions of your programm, yesterday evening from schiratti.com.

Please help


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At last I installed FSUIPC and WIDEFS with reg.key yesterday evening. After 1/2Hour the same problems written at the beginning. I tried a second time->shut down after 3/4 hour, weather.dll. I renamed FSUIPC and WIDEFS and started a new flight. It´s now flying without problems for 3 hours. Do you have an idea what it can be ?

You don't give enough information. By themselves FSUIPC and WideFS do nothing, they just sit there. What are you actually using them for? i.e. what programs, DLLs or gauges are using them? The clue will be there. Also, what options have you set or changed in FSUIPC?

Crashes in Weather DLL are almost always due to bad weather inputs, so if you are running a weather program or anything else setting the weather, that is the first place to look. FSUIPC is effectively a "window" into FS and programs can do mostly whatever they like. Crashing FS is easy that way.

If you are running anything using FSUIPC/WideFS then you need to undertake a process of elimination to ascertain what is causing the problems.

I really have no other reports of such a problem at present, and there are many users with FSUIPC, WideFS and GoFlight equipment, I assure you (I am amongst them). So it is something on your system and we need to track it down on your system.

BTW when you say you "renamed" the modules, did you change the filetype so it wasn't "DLL"? If not, they will still be loaded and run -- but FSUIPC will use a new default INI file and won't recognise your KEY file so will be unregistered..



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Hello Pete,

I renamed them to DLT ! So they are not used any more.

On the other end are 2 Computers with project-magneta Capt.PFD/ND and EICAS1. That´s why I need WideFS. Later this will be 4 computers but at the moment I installed 2 only.

I do not use any additional software for weather. Just the standard weather from FS9.

I did´t not make anything in FSUIPC, only registering.

What will happen, if I delete the weather.dll ?

I only loaded your FSUIPC from the internet to have the newest version and then copied the FSUIPC.dll and wideserver.dll and wideserver.ini in the modules folder.

Best regards


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On the other end are 2 Computers with project-magneta Capt.PFD/ND and EICAS1. That´s why I need WideFS. Later this will be 4 computers but at the moment I installed 2 only.

I do not use any additional software for weather. Just the standard weather from FS9.

I did´t not make anything in FSUIPC, only registering.

HmmmI use all the Project Magenta stuff here, plus weather programs, radar contact, all sorts of things. Something's not right somewhere in yuor system. What happens, for instance, if you don't install WideFS, or don't run the Project Magenta stuff?

Are you using different FLT+WX files when using PM, or a different aircraft. Something is different. A corrupted WX file can crasg WEATHER.DLL too.

What will happen, if I delete the weather.dll ?

FS will either complain and fail to load, or it will load and crash. It's one of the essential parts of FS, not an option.

I'm afraid it's going to be a process of trying different changes, one at a time, till we isolate the cause. It might be quicker to start afresh with a new FS installation. Do you have a lot added to it? If you have enough space on the disk you could try renaming the FS folder and installing a second parallel copy, then adding stuff a bit at a time. Trouble is, if it is a corrupt WX or FLT file, they'll still be there, so first off try, in your current installation, selecting one of the default Flights provided by FS and make that your default one, for now.

Oh, one other thing to try first -- make sure you are using the very latest video drivers for your video card. Some of the video problems have turned out to be very sensitive to small differences in timing, and just adding FSUIPC or WideFS can make such differences.



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Hello Pete,

i started trying a flight with FSUIPC only, and without WIDEFS. IN 1-2 hours I well see, what happend.

What is WX and FLT ?? I only start WideFS and the Pro-magneta gauge on the computer, without changing anything special.

one thing strange: After taking out the FSUIPC the rotary switch of the Go-Flight MPC for Altitude adjust is not working any more.

Even after reinstalling FSUIPC it did not work. But maybe this is a problem of Go-Flight.

Thanks for your help.


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i started trying a flight with FSUIPC only, and without WIDEFS. IN 1-2 hours I well see, what happend.

I don't see what happened? You omitted something?

What is WX and FLT ??

When you save a Flight (see Flights menu in FS), FS saves two files on your disk, one with a file type of FLT (for "FLighT") and the other with a file type of WX (for weather data). If you ever saved a flight you are probably using files you saved, which may be corrupt. This is why I suggested trying one of the default Flights which came with FS.

one thing strange: After taking out the FSUIPC the rotary switch of the Go-Flight MPC for Altitude adjust is not working any more.

Even after reinstalling FSUIPC it did not work. But maybe this is a problem of Go-Flight.

Yes, it must be, but it sounds indicative of something not quite right on your FS installation.

I believe you when you say you haven't set anything in FSUIPC options, but in that case before you load FS next time, delete the FSUIPC.INI file from the FS Modules folder. This is certain to reset it to its defaults, and as you hadn't changed anything you won't lose anything.



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I only use the standard FS9. and it works without probs, when FSUIPC is not installed.

With everything else EXACTLY the same? i.e. same flight, same aircraft, no add-ons, nothing? If it crashes with FSUIPC just sitting there doing nothing in exactly the same circumstances as when it doesn't crash without FSUIPC installed, then it has to be some timing glitch causing a problem, probably with rth video driver, or still possibly a corrupt weather file (FSUIPC will be reading weather data from FS still, in case anything wants it, so WEATHER.DLL will still be accessing data it may not otherwise do without FSUIPC running).

I use at the moment the last Signed-Driver, not the beta driver for Matrox-Parhelia. Maybe I should use the Beta ?

You have a PArhelia? So do I! I have been using version, dated last November, since then without any problems. I know some of the Parhelia drivers have problems. I'm not sure whether mine is Beta or not. Where do you get Betas? I just followed a link someone gave me.



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Hello Pete,

i tested over today: FS9 with newest driver for parhelia and FSUIPC was working without problems. Only problem that I have is a very bad(!) Framerate, always jumping from 11.2 to 30 and back, or between to every value.

What framerate do you get ? I have a matrox-parhelia 128MB and my computer is an P4/2.6Ghz with 1.5GB of ram.

Maybe I should by a new motherboard for 3 Ghz ?

I let the simu fly over the night, for a long time test. Tomorrow I install the wideFS again, for the next test.

Have a nice sleep


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What framerate do you get ? I have a matrox-parhelia 128MB and my computer is an P4/2.6Ghz with 1.5GB of ram.

It would vary a lot if I didn't limit it to 20 fps. I have everything up full, and I am running the display over three screens at 2400 x 600. This is on a 3.2 G P4. This is also with no FS panel at all. If I add a panel it gets slower. It is a lot slower in any case at night, and in dense add-on airport scenery.

The Parhelia is a slow card, it cannot anywhere near match the current fast ATI and nVidia cards. For me it is worth it for the superb widescreen outside view, but I wouldn't use a Parhelia with a Panel.

As it is, my frame rates don't drop below 10 at all, and generally are hitting the limiter at 20 (usually 19.9), and it is smoother that way. I prefer a slow constant rate to an occasionally fast but jerky one.



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Thanks for your help. At the moment everything is working. I changed The resolution to 2400*600 and set the limiter to 20 and... i took out one memory chip (512MB) wich makes problems..and I found a bios mistake, the DDRAM-Speed was too slow..and I took the old certified driver. and since then, everything worked perfect and smooth.. with FSUIPC and with WideFS.

Thanks Pete for your help

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and... i took out one memory chip (512MB) wich makes problems..

Ah, yesI've had those. Makes quite unpredictable crashes which you can never track down, mostly in something like FS which uses more RAM than most other things (except probably Photoshop! ).

... and since then, everything worked perfect and smooth.. with FSUIPC and with WideFS.

Good. Glad you managed to sort it all out!



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  • 1 month later...

Pete, one little question:

I have about the same system as you, P4 3.0, 128Mb Parhelia, 2Gb memory. I also run on 2400x600@20fps and am getting 19.9. Exept: when i select 3D clouds. When i do this the frame rate is about 14~15 while in clouds it can get as low as 5~6. Do you have this problem too?

I already installed the smaller cloud-bitmaps.



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I have about the same system as you, P4 3.0, 128Mb Parhelia, 2Gb memory. I also run on 2400x600@20fps and am getting 19.9. Exept: when i select 3D clouds. When i do this the frame rate is about 14~15 while in clouds it can get as low as 5~6. Do you have this problem too?

No, never as low as that. Certainly it can dip to 10-15. This is okay for airliner flying, which is all I do on that PC.

I have all the weather sliders up to maximum -- no 2D clouds, I don't like them. But one big difference, possibly, is that I have no panel at all -- the 2400x600 view is full-screen scenery view only. I think that will make a lot of difference. If you are using a panel , try to find one with a good virtual cockpit (so it all runs as one 3D view) -- I think the imposition of the 2D panels has a considerable impact.

I only have 1Gb main memory, but the Parhelia is the 256Mb version. Not that this should make any difference I think.

I have been through the list of XP services which are running and tried to cut those down to a minimum -- anything that looked unnecessary for FS is disabled. I only use that PC for FS, so this is relatively easy -- though you can set up separate profiles which give you a choice at XP boot time if you want dual use.

Also the only other process I have running with FS is the Project Magenta MCP (with no Window for it -- it runs in the background). I used to have this on a separate PC but the Hyperthreading on the P4 3.2Gb seems to allow it to run with FS with no adverse effects.



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