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motion control

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Hello Peter!

I am about to order WideFS and FSUIPC bundle with the hopes of using them to obtain data for motion control. Any references, good links, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Our biggest hurdle is the way to output the information and translate it into 3A 12V signals for the three pairs of hydraulic solenoids.


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I am about to order WideFS and FSUIPC bundle with the hopes of using them to obtain data for motion control. Any references, good links, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Our biggest hurdle is the way to output the information and translate it into 3A 12V signals for the three pairs of hydraulic solenoids.

All I can offer is the FSUIPC SDK -- get it from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson. You can read all sorts of velocity and acceleration information (check offsets 3060-30B8 and 3178-31D0. Which of those you use and what you do with them is another matter though. Sorry, I don't know. And the hardware to convert signals from, say, a parallel or serial or USB connection into 3 amp currents is completely not my area of expertise -- I'd be looking at some of the harware add-on sites for such things. I expect EPIC do them, as I know R&R have implemented at least one motion platform.



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