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epic info,

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Bonjour à tous je suis nouveau j'ai acheté un Epic, usb; Epic centre 01.1.55,

je souheterai savoir dans un premier temps si le module de Peter Dawson" Epic info" est compatible avec mon materiel,

seconde question quelle est la procedure d'installation, entre epicinfo, infoCFG, epic.dll,


Hello I am new I bought Epic, usb; Epic centers Ver 01.1.55, I will Know initially if the module of Peter Dawson "Epic info" is compatible with my materiel,

second question which is the procedure of installation, between epicinfo, infoCFG, epic.dll; FS2002, and FSuip



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Hello I am new I bought Epic, usb; Epic centers Ver 01.1.55, I will Know initially if the module of Peter Dawson "Epic info" is compatible with my materiel

Hi. My name is actually "Dowson", but lot's of people make that mistake.

Yes, the current version of EPICINFO.DLL works okay with the USB Epic. It uses the EpicIO.DLL which should go into your Windows/System32 folder.

Second question which is the procedure of installation, between epicinfo, infoCFG, epic.dll; FS2002, and FSuip

Welll, install Fs first, and test it, make sure everything works okay.

Then, as documented, put EPICINFO.DLL and FSUIPC.DLL into the FS Modules folder. Program EPICINFO by making an EPICINFO.CFG and put it in the FS main folder. The EPICIO.DLL goes into a Windows folder -- Windows, or Windows/System32 will do.

Run FS2002 after you've installed all that.



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Bonjour, Pete

Thanks for the quick reply, It is clear and precise, Excuse me spelling mistake on your name. I have 3 other questions

Q1): When you say, to create epicinfo.cfg:il it is indeed that



















Q2) if I understand well , it isn’t obliged to compile (F9) with Epicenter

Q3) on my module BTN64 how it be the connection of my switch correspondent in Autopilot OFF/ON, otherwise 18 and 19 correspond to what?


19 Autopilot ON KR1 Or SMCP AP off (all three) or on (any of three). (See 142–147 for individual MCP

MCP A/P events)…

Ziri, thank you by advance ..Cordialement

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Q1): When you say, to create epicinfo.cfg:il it is indeed that

Yes, indeed it is "create" -- YOU need to create it. You need to work out the CFG file for what YOU want to do, to suit your EPL program. I only give examples in the documentation. The one you quote above looks like an example.

I cannot design your project for you. It is specific to each implementation.

Q2) if I understand well , it isn’t obliged to compile (F9) with Epicenter

Er, F9? What's that?

You need to write the EPL code to do what you want to do with the EPIC. I cannot help you there, you need to study the EPIC documents and get help if needed from the EPIC folks. Most certainly, after you have written your EPL program you must compile it before to load it into the EPIC. The EPIC doesn't not read source EPL!

Q3) on my module BTN64 how it be the connection of my switch correspondent in Autopilot OFF/ON, otherwise 18 and 19 correspond to what?

You seem to be very confused here. You are mising up buttons with EPICINFO's indications and values being SENT to the EPIC. The PHs (Pigeon holes) and QPs (QProcs) are things SENT to the EPIC for you to program from, for instance to make displays, indicators and so on. This is what EPICINFO is all about. When you've written your Epic program and compiled and and got it working, then you'll know what PHs and QPs are.

It looks to me like you need help in understanding the EPIC from the EPIC folks. I've not done any EPIC programming for a long time now, and then it was different (ISA EPIC, not UB, and no Epicentre program).



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