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Question for Pete regarding Visual Approaches

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Hi Pete,

I was reading through the SDK last night, I am an ex programmer turned commercial pilot now, so alot of my programming skills have well errr been left behind :) My question is this regarding visual approaches.

I fly mainly in the Hawaiian Islands, and am getting sick of ATC clearing aircraft straight in through the mountains to land on runway 26R when there is a westerly wind... (In real life they do the LDA approach 26L and sidestep 26R) So in my quest for reality, is it then possible to "trick" the sim into thinking its ALWAYS IFR conditions but have the actual weather always there to FORCE the aircraft into doing an instrument approach?

I see in the MS help files it will clear for a visual approach if vis is greater than 3 miles and ceiling greater than 1000 feet... if one could trick the sim into "thinking" its lower it might make things a little more realistic??


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is it then possible to "trick" the sim into thinking its ALWAYS IFR conditions but have the actual weather always there to FORCE the aircraft into doing an instrument approach?

I see in the MS help files it will clear for a visual approach if vis is greater than 3 miles and ceiling greater than 1000 feet... if one could trick the sim into "thinking" its lower it might make things a little more realistic??

Sorry, I haven't found any way to intercept the weather calls made by ATC in order to change this. The whole weather system changed in FS2004 and the new code is very convoluted and obscure.

I am hoping to be able to do more as time goes on, but it takes so much time hacking into those modules and yet still mostly getting absolutely no where that I really have to get on with things I can actually be more successful at. Maybe one day ...



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