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GPS waypoints and FSUIPC

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I am writing a custom GPS interface that tracks and holds a library of waypoints etc. I am wondering if FSUIPC will let me set the current waypoint in the FS simulation...maybe using a "direct to" or something similar. Any thoughts, is there a better approach?

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I am writing a custom GPS interface that tracks and holds a library of waypoints etc. I am wondering if FSUIPC will let me set the current waypoint in the FS simulation...maybe using a "direct to" or something similar. Any thoughts, is there a better approach?

Sorry, I don't fully understand what you mean.

There is a GPS implementation in FS -- are you wanting to interface to that? In FS2004 you can read out quite a lot of the GPS stuff (see the Programmer's Guide, offsets 6000 and following), but I'm not sure what happens if you try to write to that area.

If you mean you want to be able to tell the FS A/P to follow a specific heading, then, yes, of course you can do that -- enable Heading hold at 07C8 and then set the Heading required at 07CC. If the A/P is enabled then it will guuide the direction of the aircraft. If not, then the Flight Director (if enabled) will hlep the pilot follow the route.



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