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Just installed the Latest, but problem!

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I took out the old module. Gone. Dead. No more.

Put in the latest FSUIPC and started FS9. It said I had 2 FSUIPC installed and shut down. I checked modules.....nope, just the one....which I removed to try again....and it was okay.

I reinstalled the module....and it said it was a dupe!

Any help would be appreciated!

(I have recently put in some Georender Scenery)

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Put in the latest FSUIPC and started FS9. It said I had 2 FSUIPC installed and shut down. I checked modules.....nope, just the one....which I removed to try again....and it was okay.

I reinstalled the module....and it said it was a dupe!

The check for a duplicated module has been in FSUIPC, unchanged now, for around 2 years. There's really no difference in any of the versions as far as this is concerned. Somewhere, somehow, you have either FSUIPC duplicated or a close look-alike which has the same ID. Or you actually have FS still running someplace -- that would generate the same symptom.

You said "I took out the old module. Gone. Dead. No more", but why ever bother? FSUIPC is called "FSUIPC.DLL" and Windows only ever allow one copy of a file with the same name in any one folder. All you have to do to upgrade from one version of FSUIPC to the next is to copy the new version into the FS Modules, folder, exactly as it says in the instructions. Windows may ask you if you really want to replace the file with the same name, and you confirm "Yes", and that's it, job done.

Please re-check. Look at ALL of the Modules, the DLLs, in the FS Modules folder. Aren't there any there that don't look right?

Also see if there's a copy of FS lurking, unseen, running with no windows. If you are using WinXP do this by CTRL-ALT-DEL, check the processes list. If it is there, elect to end the process.

If you still can't fgure it out, let me know and I'll send a little BATch file with lists the DLLs to a text file so I can check it for you.



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Very odd....I ran a complete search on the PC....I found a few (I need to clean my zips out more).

I deleted EVERYTHING FSUIPC....reloaded....still had the problem.

Took out the old fs9.cfg.....reloaded....ok.

put old cgf back in....still ok....!!!

I think fs9 was having a funny 1 hour!


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