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When trying to run widefs,receive this error...

It will not connect..pls help??

********* WideClient.DLL Log [version 5.50] *********

Date (dmy): 01/04/04, Time 23:07:11.400: Client name is J8K1J0

25 Attempting to connect now

55 Trying TCP/IP host "Your-uaocyswr9f" ...

55Okay, IP Address =

1540 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10061] Connection refused

1565 Ready to try connection again

1590 Attempting to connect now

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When trying to run widefs,receive this error...

It will not connect..pls help

1540 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10061] Connection refused

This message is simply the error WideFS is receiving from Windows. You have something configured which is stopping the connection. What that maybe, I'm afraid I don't know -- maybe a firewall (XP's own, or ZoneAlarm, etc), or some sort of block in a router, hub or switch.

I hope some Network experts can jump into help you here -- all the things I know about Netwrk problems (and many things I don't) are actually discussed in the WideFS document. After that, for me, it is guess-work and trial-and-error I'm afraid.



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