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Change of email address and registration codes

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Hi Peter,

I have just changed my email address at simflight.com and am wondering if i need to update the keys for fsuipc and widefs or can i just keeping using them with my old email address that i wont have in a few weeks ?



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I have just changed my email address at simflight.com and am wondering if i need to update the keys for fsuipc and widefs or can i just keeping using them with my old email address that i wont have in a few weeks ?

You might as well keep using the same keys. Your name and that email address will still identify you uniquely (probably), and I can't think of any reason anyone or anything should be actually using that email address for real email. The only annoyance would arise if you were to attempt to publish your Keys and details for others to use freely, which is against the rules and counted as piracy :o -- I suspect you'd be tracked down pretty quickly though, even with a different email address! :wink:



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