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Offsets for Door Status?

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Wondering if you have come across the door status offset for 2004 yet?

Door status? I only found out that FS has doors you could open recently! :)

Looking through the current list of Gauge variables, there is one called "MAIN_EXIT_OPEN", but I can find no others. Is this enough? I could add it to my list, for "exposure" in an FSUIPC offset in the next version.

Or any suggestions offset series area I can poke around in to find it

I'm afraid things don't really work like that any more -- FS98 and before it was almost 100% that waysearch a fixed data area and you could find things. These days much of FS is written in C++ with COM-style interfaces and private data that is a devil of a job to find even by hacking through code.



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That would be great !! Thank you for the consideration !!!

I've had to make an error-fix release for FSUIPC 3.21 (it's version 3.211 and should be available soon).

The main door status is exposed in this version, at offset 3367 -- I've allocated bit 2^0 in that byte for the main doors open (if set). The other bits are reserved in case I can find the others some day.



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