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FS Traffic Look Source Code

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Is the source code available for FS Traffic Look and FSlook/FSlook2? It would be a nice bit of code reference.

No it wouldn't! They are examples of the worst sort of uncommented C programming, and I'm thoroughly ashamed of them. Just because they work doesn't mean they are good! I wrote them as one-off, never to be re-visited (fat chance! :) ), test programs primarily for my own use. They were released as "useful" but not, heavens forbid, as "examples".

I've been a programmer since 1963 and have got into awful habits which, though they work for me, I would hate to either impose on others or try to explain. If I were to release any of that for others to see I would feel totally bound to spend many hours on the code, tidying it up, structuring it better, and, last but no least, adding some comments! I really haven't got the time nor patience. Sorry.

I notice that many VB programmer's don't mind sharing code snippets. I think that's probably the best way. Maybe there are also some C programmers who are more proud of their coding style and who are more conscientious in their commenting than I. If so, let us hope they come forward! :wink:



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