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Getting the amount of fuel loaded in the Aircraft

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I'm trying to get the TOTAL amount of fuel (in lbs) that's loaded into the aircraft at a given time. I've only found how to get % readings via FSUIPC...

Is there an offset I missed?

Evidently. For each of the (11 I think) possible tanks there's a capacity value and a percentage value. The fuel level in each is therefore calculable, and the total is obtained by adding them all up.

The capacity variable is right next to the percentage value in each case. How could you have not seen them?



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Excuse me if Im wrong, but isnt the total fuel weight at any particular time = Gross wt - Zero Fuel wt (assuming during flight you are not throwing passengers out of the plane).

This is how I do it in delphi. Seems to work, but possibly wrong.

function TFormMain.FuelWeight:double;

  if FSUIPC_Read($30C0,8, @CLW, dwResult) then
          if FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) then
        end else DoCantConnect(dwResult);

  if FSUIPC_Read($3BFC,4, @ZFW, dwResult) then
          if FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) then
              ZFW:=ZFW div 256;
          end else DoCantConnect(dwResult);



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Excuse me if Im wrong, but isnt the total fuel weight at any particular time = Gross wt - Zero Fuel wt (assuming during flight you are not throwing passengers out of the plane).

Of course you are rightI thought FS2004 complicated it by allowing payloads (see for instance the FSUIPC variables at offsets 1400 ff.) but of course they will be included in the ZFW. Won't they?


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