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GF MCP and PM mcp

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hi Pete and all simmers

I have GF MCP and just bought project MCP and RJ software

but ...

i am just in the process of setting the PM MCP to work through PM mcp...(not even started to configure the Rj...

I assigned the PM MCP functions through fsuipc...and I see the following..

when turning knobs...HDg CRS ALT ...etc the display on the GF mCP doesnt follow the display on the PM MCP....(due to input most probably getting in faster on the GF than on the mcp..and so I cant see the correct digits on the GF mcp...

also...there is no CRS inc by 10 or dec by 10 for PM mCP CRS on fsuipc menu

PM MCP VS mode is not recognised when I assign it to one of the GF MCP (the alt button...to be precise)

and generally the two dont seem to communicate so well or need a LOOOOT of resetting in order to produce the result of having the funtions of the GF MCP (i guess I ll input the LNAV VNAV etc that dont exist on the GF MCP on one of my GFP8 BUT...then the button on the P8 doesnt lit up when one of them is selected...

since i use no panel on my view of fs2002 and only outside view have everything for captain EIcas and ofcourse the GF MCP for Autopilot...

and after trying this setup...I think I ll need to have the PM MCP always displayed...which ofcourse is not an option....

on another topic I saw some simmer..asking same questions about Rj software and PM functions through fsuipc...

now I ll have more trouble using wide fs on two different pc for captain and EICAS if i need to setup through keysend...all the appropriate commands...and tell u the truth if the PM ND and EICAS are recognised from fsuipc i d like to skip this time consuming process

then again ..if i choose the option of fs command and select a PM EICAS funtion...for an EICAS that is connected through WIdefs will it be recognised???

Sorry for the early questions before trying..but I got dissapointed with the GF MCP...

I even tried the GF remote..and that didnt work since the GF MCP IS NOT configurable throught GF REMOTE as GF T8 or P8 is...in order to be used with PM MCP etc....

any ideas how to solve this or...better yet...

if someone has such a setup PLEASE post it here for others to see

before PETE starts explaining all the possible corrections....

AND PLEASE dont talk about setting about PMDG 737...


there other threads to say about that and keyboard commands that

PMDG uses and inputin them into fsuipc..and GF

I use p4 2.8 g Intel with Gigabyte M/B intel chipset 1g dual DDR RAM

gigabyte gforce 5600 128mb and amatrox hd 80 g

gf mcp is connected through SEPARATE usb self powered hub with no other devices on that hub....and then direct on the pc..

other compputers are P4 1.6 256 ram

and a P3 500 mh 192 ram...

just to make sure.. Widefs and FSUIPC ver 3.201 registered

and I try to get things going using the freeware falcon 50 (works great with GF MCP without the PM MCP....thats what i used untill now..


Dimitris Pantoleon

EHM 615

will be waiting eagerly with your answers!!!!

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I assigned the PM MCP functions through fsuipc...and I see the following..

when turning knobs...HDg CRS ALT ...etc the display on the GF mCP doesnt follow the display on the PM MCP.

What software is driving the GF displays? FSUIPC certainly doesn't -- it is merely a switch and button facility.

there is no CRS inc by 10 or dec by 10 for PM mCP CRS on fsuipc menu

The CRS is not a PM function, it uses the standard FS OBS1 and OBS2 facilities. Use the FS controls instead. I added "fast" versions of these recently.

PM MCP VS mode is not recognised when I assign it to one of the GF MCP

There was a but reported in one of the PM builds where that happened, and it was fixed by Enrico the same day. I think you need new PM builds.

You may find it worthwhile to get into the PM Newsgroup and check things there, as well as post there, as it is 100% relevant to what you are doing and there's a wealth of ecperience there.

then the button on the P8 doesnt lit up when one of them is selected.

Buttons can be programmed through FSUIPC, but it does not handle displays. If you want the lights and displays to operate then at present you have no choice but to use GoFlight assignments only.

now I ll have more trouble using wide fs on two different pc for captain and EICAS if i need to setup through keysend...all the appropriate commands...and tell u the truth if the PM ND and EICAS are recognised from fsuipc i d like to skip this time consuming process

then again ..if i choose the option of fs command and select a PM EICAS funtion...for an EICAS that is connected through WIdefs will it be recognised???

Sorry, that's a terribly confusing paragraph. If there's really a question there, can you re-phrase it please?

Sorry for the early questions before trying..but I got dissapointed with the GF MCP...

I've not got one, nor do I know what it is like, but there are happy users. If you have criticisms of it why not direct them to GoFLight?

On the whole I think you mainly need assistance from PM users with GoFlight units, and I do think you are more likely to find those on the PM Newsgroup.



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Thanks Pete...

the questions in hand were not directed to u to answer...just took the oportunity to ask other simmers that might see this forum...because gf forum is really not so massive...neither in users nor on replies..

once again..i thank u for the time spent to answer and i ll post any thing i find in order for other to be able to find easy help...

gf displays most probably are driven by gf config...software by gf

fs obs roger..I ll try that...

pm is updated..but have to double check..thanks for that too

yes pm newsgroups is a great idea..that actually didnt pass from my mind LOL....

EICAS and captains side is running on two different pc s using widfs...

if I control a P8 button through fsuipc and assign it to PM EICAS for something or to PM ND range or whatever..will the other pc recognise it?

or do I need to use keysend (using keysend values is a time consuming setting I meant..)

GFmcp is ok...for generic use..default airplanes etc..if u go into more sophisticated package..then there are problems...

I will try the pm news group thanks..


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EICAS and captains side is running on two different pc s using widfs...

if I control a P8 button through fsuipc and assign it to PM EICAS for something or to PM ND range or whatever..will the other pc recognise it?

or do I need to use keysend (using keysend values is a time consuming setting I meant..)

All the PM modules talk to each other via FSUIPC offsets and WideFs. The FSUIPC commands interface to that system. It doesn't matter where your modules are, provided that the WideFS link is working -- PM sees to the rest.

KeySend is only for making WideClients send Key Presses to their local applications. You can try sending such keypresses, but it isn't as efficient nor really as easy to set up. If your PM MCP can control the PM ND on another PC, so can FSUIPC. The offsets are the same.

However, I do not know how much of the interface documented by PM for the FSUIPC offsets also applies to the RJ. You will need to list explicitly the facilities you want to use and ask Enrico.



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Hi again Pete...

I went off to PM newsgroups and here s what I found after an extensive search...(have to put it down for others...)

I use the Gf remote software on the client Pc with widefs and GF MCP connected there...

I deleted the GFMCP.dll from the modules of fs2002 (maybe its not necessary but i did it anyway..)

and just run fs2002 then widefs and gfremote...

after that I run the PM mcp and VOILAAAAAAA

HDG CRS SPEED ALT knobs on the gf mcp work instantly to change appropriate things..

Also on GF MCP ALT button is doing the ALT HOLD function....(so u keep whatever FL u are and not to GO to that level..

and BC (which I never used the last two years flying :-)) is asigned automatically for LVL CHG in PM MCP

I had to use FSUIPC to program a pushbutton in GF P8 for VS for PM VS mode (latest fix by enrico...make sure u download update 382g)

and the only thing is (as u know it already..) that the led is not on and off on the GF accordingly...BUT u see the VS digits come to life on the GF MCP AND when u use the dwn up wheel of the vertr speed on the gf mcp it works great

NOW heres the hard part...

On the fsuipc drop list there is PM MCP A/T on

and PM MCP A/T off and same for F/D (on and off)

BUT on the goflight T8 swithes...fsuipc recognises ONLY one button when u toggle one switch up...and doesnt recognise it as a different button when u switch it down....

so how do I assign the AT and FD switches...

I tried with Keypress accordingly...but then u have t flip it up in order to send once a keypress...and then flip it down AND UP again to send another keypress

somewhere in here PETE I reaed about the flag option for a toggle switch...but I have to be honest after reading the advanced users guide I didnt quite understand how to do that for the goflight switces to toggle the a/t of F/d (and in the future maybe the vor1 or adf1 etc etc...)

Is it possible for u to program a AT switch for PM MCP and FD and then when I assign the goflight switch to automatically detect it on and then off??

or it would be better if the toggle witch of GF t8 is recognised both on UP mode and down..(now as mentioned before fsuipc sees it only as Up)

Also...(sorry mate..but i did some digging and need to find some things!!)

there is no PM MCP STA pushobutton on the drop down list..

does it have to do that there is no shortcut for sam thing on PM keyboard commands? each of the functions (Show VOR show FIX show NDB etc ) are separately assigned through keyboard command on PM software...

its easier and more realistic to assign ie for weather radar one button one for STA one for AIRPORTS one for WPTS etc..on a pushbutton..

all the rest exist, the sta doesnt

I actually am extremely exited with all this...cause with one rotary pushbutton from gofligt I can assign knobs (tried it with a gf 45 for the ctr knob and works fine) and change VOR APP MAP PLAN mode..and range on the afis...as well as assign the above mentioned buttons

along with the VS VNAV LNAV and N1 that is missing from the GF mCP

and u get a fully operational mcp

so before I go on and buy another GF module

could u try and help to find a solution with the questions...

thanks again for the support

FSUIPC ver 3.201 to let u know..

(it will be so silly if u tell me these things are fixed with latest versions...!!!! so I apologise in advance if thats the case!!!)

dimitris pantoleon

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On the fsuipc drop list there is PM MCP A/T on

and PM MCP A/T off and same for F/D (on and off)

BUT on the goflight T8 swithes...fsuipc recognises ONLY one button when u toggle one switch up...and doesnt recognise it as a different button when u switch it down....

This is only because, when programming it in the FSUIPC options, it only looks for switches going from "off" to "on". There is no need to recognise them going "on" to "off" as well -- they are still the same switches, NOT different ones!

The FSUIPC options page shows places for programming them both on the "press" and "release". For a toggle switch the "press" is when you switch it on, the "release" is when you switch it "off". Isn't this rather obvious?

so how do I assign the AT and FD switches...

I tried with Keypress accordingly...but then u have t flip it up in order to send once a keypress...and then flip it down AND UP again to send another keypress

No you don't. Just program both the press and release.

somewhere in here PETE I reaed about the flag option for a toggle switch.

That was all about LATCHING a button type switch to make it operate like a toggle switch. Your toggle switches already operate like toggle switches, don't they? They latch on or off? If they are spring loaded to centre then they are more like buttons, that is different. But if it is the GF T8 I think they are proper toggle switches already.

it would be better if the toggle witch of GF t8 is recognised both on UP mode and down..(now as mentioned before fsuipc sees it only as Up)

Nonsense. Please look again. See the places where you can program a separate action for the Press and for the Release? How have you come to such an incorrect conclusion??

Also...(sorry mate..but i did some digging and need to find some things!!) there is no PM MCP STA pushobutton on the drop down list.

There are entries corresponding to each function PM provides. I think the assorted display options on the ND are selected by the GC controls by parameter control -- see the list in the Advanced User's Guide (I just checked, STA is listed, thus:

90 STA (added Aug '03)

I think you need to do more research. The PM website has an up-to-date list of all the FSUIPC controllable things, it's kept up to date by Enrico more often than I release new versions of FSUIPC, so you should look there.

FSUIPC ver 3.201 to let u know.

Version 3.22 will be released tomorrow. Please upgrade then.

(it will be so silly if u tell me these things are fixed with latest versions...!!!! so I apologise in advance if thats the case!!!)

As far as I can see there is nothing to be "fixed" in your extensive list. You seem to be overlooking many things. Please just dig a little deeper, and especially look at what is already available.



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