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dynamic forces

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I'm looking at implementing a simple slew type function without using slew mode. I'm interested in the ability to set a/c position and orientation from code. Is this possible, and if so, what is the recommendation for the offsets?

Thanks !

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I'm looking at implementing a simple slew type function without using slew mode. I'm interested in the ability to set a/c position and orientation from code. Is this possible, and if so, what is the recommendation for the offsets?

Position and orientation, yes -- but why is the subject "dynamic forces"?

For position and orientation the mnemonic is "LLAPBH" -- Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Pitch, Bank, Heading. These are all grouped together in FSUIPC offsets 0560 - 0583, in exactly that order.

In FS2002 and before the Sim must be in Slew, Pause, or Zero Sim Rate modes for the latter three (PBH) to take effect when you write to them, but in FS2004 all six are effective.

Bear in mind that between you writing to these, the simulation engine will be continuing and changing them, probably using the same velocities and accelerations as before. I'm not sure how you intend to deal with this (except by setting Sim Rate to zero, or using Slew), but you may also want to investigate the dynamics too -- offsets like 3060 and following and 3178 and following. You can try writing to these too, but I don't know how effective that will be.



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Dynamic forces - I should explain. The idea is to be able to apply acceleration and/or change the position of the a/c to mimic things like buffeting - hence dynamic forces as I call them. A misnomer probably.

Thank you so much for your prompt answer.


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Dynamic forces - I should explain. The idea is to be able to apply acceleration and/or change the position of the a/c to mimic things like buffeting - hence dynamic forces as I call them. A misnomer probably.

No, not particularly a misnomer. It's just that you made no mention of such things in the original query. It sounded more like you wanted to mimic flying ("a slew type function").

Rather than mess with LLAPBH, which will not mimic forces but just jump the aircraft in the same way as slewing does, albeit very finely if you like, I would suggest you experiment with the actual accelerations directly. I know some of these are used successfully, for example, in implementing aircraft carrier catapulting and hooking.



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