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Instruments driven by FSUIPC and FSBUS

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Good day everybody,

I have a question about the FSUIPC offsets for instruments. I will build the whole MIP of the 747-200 and there are a lot of analogue gauges that I want to interface. I have bought all the analogue gauges for the engine indication and some other important gauges.

I have read that I have access to all the FSUIPC offsets when I use the FSBUS interface system. I need offsets like N1, N2, EGT and the FF but also Flaps, TAT, TAS and more small but important things in the classic 747.

I need to know how I have to program an instrument to an offset in FSUIPC. I have ordered the hardware for FSBUS and soon I will start interfacing the first instruments.

Note: The instruments I bought were used in an old FFS of Air France so all the instruments are capable to run with servos or stepper motors.

I hope my message is a little bit clear.


Boy Bruin

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I have read that I have access to all the FSUIPC offsets when I use the FSBUS interface system. I need offsets like N1, N2, EGT and the FF but also Flaps, TAT, TAS and more small but important things in the classic 747.

I need to know how I have to program an instrument to an offset in FSUIPC. I have ordered the hardware for FSBUS and soon I will start interfacing the first instruments.

I have no idea how to program FSBUS -- i would have thought that they would supply such information. The index to all the offsets you can access in FSUIPC is provided in the Programmer's Guide, part of the FSUIPC SDK available from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.



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Boy, you are better off asking at the AVSIM.com "Home Cockpit Builders Forum" - plus of course you should read the FSBUS documentation. Indeed the FSUIPC SDK contains information about all the offsets - you need to add the ones that are possibly missing from FSBUS default set to "myfsif.ini" inside the fsbus installation folder.

But prepare to study, experiment and learn since FSBUS is not a commercial product like Simkits or GoFlight that you can buy and just make it work - it is very powerful but there is some learning curve - so I suggest you read through the old entries on the avsim forum (this site also has a home cockpit forum, but I find it hard to recommend that since it seems more and more quiet every day)

The avsim forum has lots of knowledgeable people plus fsbus has been discussed a lot in the past, so the search would be fruitful.

Best wishes and good luck :)


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