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Battery discharge?

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FSUIPC provides control over excessive battery discharge.

But is this "discharge" percentage available to users?

I haven't found anything about it.

I would like to simulate an apu and have the battery discharge stop when the apu gens are connected (like some commercial products do) but i can't find the controls.



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I would like to simulate an apu and have the battery discharge stop when the apu gens are connected (like some commercial products do) but i can't find the controls.

You can do it by program. Either use the FSUIPC facility but switch it off (offset 32F6) whilst the APU is not running (and no Ground Power is available -- don't forget the ground power option! :) ). Or you can investigate manipulating the battery directly -- offset 2834 should be useful.

It's not so easy to do it just using controls, if that's what you are thinking of. Though the facilities to manipulate offsets may help to some extent I'm afraid they don't emcompass floating point values. You could try to fake enough of it to work.



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can do it by program. Either use the FSUIPC facility but switch it off (offset 32F6) whilst the APU is not running (and no Ground Power is available -- don't forget the ground power option! :) ).

He he :)

First i must have the electrical system running correctly (which is a very tough work), after that i can see to retrofit my plane with the 115vac plug :D

About the 32F6, this is a control bit, so i have to enter a number in the fsuipc setup in order for it to work.

I can't do this:

when apu running stop dischargeing battery

when apu not running, discharge battery

This would need control on the "extend battery life" value which is not possible :(

Or you can investigate manipulating the battery directly -- offset 2834 should be useful.

So the battery charge is based on the voltage output readable from this offset?

I have to do some testing about this...

Thank you for the info, usefull as usual :)


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About the 32F6, this is a control bit, so i have to enter a number in the fsuipc setup in order for it to work.

I can't do this:

when apu running stop dischargeing battery

when apu not running, discharge battery

This would need control on the "extend battery life" value which is not possible :(

No it doesn't. You are simply talking about turning the FSUIPC option on and off, which is what that bit in 32F6 does. Why do you want to change the value too?

So the battery charge is based on the voltage output readable from this offset?

Battery voltage is the measure of battery charge. When it drops below about 16 or 17, poof! It all goes dark! :lol:

Try using the FSUIPC Monitor (Logging page, right-hand side) to observe how the value behaves, with and without the FSUIPC option enabled and with different values for the discharge divisor.



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  • 4 years later...


these questions about APU and GPU, are a problem for me in my simulator today.

i discovered the Offset 32F6, who permit temporarely to have non dscharching voltage of the main battery, but i don't understand something.

in the offset list, you write :

32F6 2 FSUIPC selected technical option inhibits.

Set bits here to turn off specific options and prevent the user turning them back on, for a limited time (max 14 seconds). To keep options turned off you need to write this mask at regular intervals (e.g. every 5 seconds).

Note that this is not obeyed if the user has selected to option to disallow all external control of his options. If he has done this, you can detect it by reading this location back within the time limit. If it is zero, not the value written, then the user is preventing your control over his settings.

Bits allocated so far are as follows (bit 0 = 2^0 bit):

0 Reverse elevator trim sense

1 Fix control accelerations

2 Rudder spike elimination

3 Elevator spike elimination

4 Aileron spike elimination

5 Autopilot altitude fix (enable V/S sign corrn.)

6 Extend battery life

7 FS clock seconds sync

first question : in the FSUIPC menu in FS9, i can activate or not a parameter who permit to have "0" who extend battery life or "1" to have a normal use of the battery.

in which position this parameter must be set in FS9, when i want to use the External power (GPU or APU) for few minutes, and when i want to come back in battery use after the plane is started. (the script is written with SIOC).

second question :

when the bit 6 is set to "1", what is the decimal value ? 64 or else ?

thank you for your answer.

Frazoc (http://www.ifair.fr)

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i discovered the Offset 32F6, who permit temporarely to have non dscharching voltage of the main battery, but i don't understand something.

You don't understand 32F6 at all. It controls user access to FSUIPC options, nothing else. It doesn't change anything whatsoever in FS.

first question : in the FSUIPC menu in FS9, i can activate or not a parameter who permit to have "0" who extend battery life or "1" to have a normal use of the battery.

No. In the FSUIPC options you can check an option checkbox for that (provided 32F6 isn't set to gray it out to prevent changes). When it is checked, the number tells FSUIPC how long to allow the battery life -- 0 forever or a multiplier of normal discharge time. Please please do refer to the User Guide which explains the user options in detail!

in which position this parameter must be set in FS9, when i want to use the External power (GPU or APU) for few minutes, and when i want to come back in battery use after the plane is started. (the script is written with SIOC).

That question doesn't apply because there is no such parameter.

when the bit 6 is set to "1", what is the decimal value ? 64 or else ?

2^6 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 64, but that is completely irrelevant to your needs. Stopping the user setting or clearing an option does nothing to the battery.

If you want to change the battery voltage, to stop it discharging, you need to write to the battery voltage, at 2834.



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