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dump fuel gauge

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Dear Peter, i'm currently build a dump fuel gauge for FS2004 default 744 using MS VC6. I want to read/write memory directly to do it. Because I dont know the offset, so I use one loop to read memory one by one. But I still can't find the offset, could you give me some tips?Thank you! :D



GLOBALHANDLE = GetModuleHandle("GLOBAL.DLL");// I have also try to use SIM1.dll, PANELS.DLL, but all fail :?




for(int i=0x0;i<0x3FFF;i++) //3FFF is big enough,i think


MEM = ((UINT32) GetProcAddress(GLOBALHANDLE ,"Linkage")) + i; // here is the offset

if( *(double *)MEM == FUEL_TANK_CENTER.var_value.n )






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Dear Peter, i'm currently build a dump fuel gauge for FS2004 default 744 using MS VC6. I want to read/write memory directly to do it. Because I dont know the offset, so I use one loop to read memory one by one. But I still can't find the offset, could you give me some tips?Thank you! :D

Why not use FSUIPC?

FS2004 is all a mass of C++ classes and derived classes, with private data allocated from the heap containing this stuff. It isn't in any global memory in modules, and the memory is released and reallocated every time you load a new aircraft or flight.

If you want to locate things like this you'll need to disassemble SIM1.DLL, find the routines which supply the "this" pointers for the appropriate aircraft Classes, then try to follow the pointers to the correct data. There's a LOT of code involved and it gets very *very* complicated, especially trying to keep it up to date as it moves. I use a mixture of C and ASM code and have to do some weird tricks to make it work.

Good luck!



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