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Thank you Peter

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Hello Peter.

Few months ago I joined IVAO. To do so I was instructed to install something called FSUIPC. Then I had no idea what was it for and, even today, Im not very clear what it is for. All I know is I needed it for playing in IVAO.

I realized that it was a commercial program, but we could use a free key for SB. Then, as I went deeper in the game, I found myself using several utilities in FS (AIBridge, FSMetar, gndmaker, etc), and many of them needed FSUIPC to be able to work. The amazing part is that all of those keys were free.

Against most of commercial programs, which you must pay even before you have seen and tested them, and have decided if you really need/like them, FSUIPC let me to use itself to activate lots of utilities, and I do really wanted to thank you for it.

Now I have bought the full license. I don't need it for anything but I felt I had to pay for your effort and generosity.

Once again, thank you Peter.

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