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  ulisses said:

Can I assign Autobrake RTO, 1,2,3,4 MAX in FSUIPC to keys or buttons ? I couldn't find.

Didn't you try going to the Keys or Buttons options and looking through the drop-down list? It comes uner "A" for Autobrake, so it is near the beginning (they are in alphabetic order).

Also, searching through the FSUIPC User Guide would find this:

An Autobrake Set control, to directly set the autobrake (0=RTO, 1=off, 2–5=settings to Max).

mentioned in both the Keys and Buttons sections.




Thanks Peter,

I was looking in the FS2004controls doc... found it in fsuipc user guide as always :)

Another question, is that possible to press a button in a client (through a keyboard emulator) and send data to FSUIPC key press page to control the autobrake ?

Can I program that in wideclient.ini ?

Thanks again,

  ulisses said:

I was looking in the FS2004controls doc... found it in fsuipc user guide as always :)

That's because Microsoft forgot to provide such a control. It is an FSUIPC addition.

Another question, is that possible to press a button in a client (through a keyboard emulator) and send data to FSUIPC key press page to control the autobrake ?

Can I program that in wideclient.ini ?

Buttons are easier. Key presses can be sent over, but WideClient MUST have the keyboard focus for it to see them. You have to tell WideClient to do this as described in this section of WideFS.doc:

SendKeyPresses=No: [Only for use when running FS2000 (or later), or CFS2, under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP on the Server PC]

If you set this parameter to Yes, then any non-system key presses (i.e. anything not including the ALT key) received by WideClient will be relayed to FSUIPC and thence to FS/CFS2. This has limited uses these days.

Once you have the keypresses going to the FS PC, you can program them in FSUIPC's Keys page as usual.

Bear in mind that FSUIPC does not know where the keypresses came from, so the same ones will operate the same way on the FS PC too.



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